Here is so reacts natural a hamster. The one who could not stand the fall of bitcoin.

in poloniexbot •  7 years ago 

Yes, my friends, as if sad it may sound - I leave the company he loved with all his heart.

Probably, everyone who at least once came into my social networks, saw with what zeal I work for this company. My enthusiasm and motivation were beyond human imagination. Perhaps in the life before me was not one person who is as fanatically developed one investment firm and not looking around. I may be exaggerating, but this is my cry of the soul!!!

It all began with the fall of the cryptocurrency market and the early departure of the Resonance for the holidays. It would seem, what the right step was taken by the administration of the company, that's the flair! And the truth is, the market has failed twice without any prospects for growth to date.

All the time during the holiday season, I was texting with the administration, asking about the prospects of the business and whether the company is ready to continue to invest without the tool on which it placed a bet (I mean cryptocurrency). I was ASSURED that the working capital of the company is gradually being transferred back to the classic financial markets (Penny Stocks, Forex, IPO, etc.), and before leaving the holiday will be formed an impressive portfolio in these markets, which will allow traders to play on a large scale and make a profit covering weekly interest on client portfolios.

Honestly, it didn't impress me. I do not believe that in the classical financial markets it is possible to make 288% of the annual profit, and so, as the Swiss watch to pay part of the profit to the payment system every week. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN! Understand? Payment once a month - still all right, but paying 6% weekly + marketing 20% - this is absurd. On cryptocurrency platforms - if everything was smooth there-it's real, but in the classical markets, alas, unimaginable.

I believe the administration of the company only because of two things:

  1. if 50% of the working capital remains on cryptocurrency platforms and trading continues, the profit will be paid to investors without any problems. I was hoping for the predictions of well-known analysts that soon the negative news attack on cryptocurrencies will end, frightened holders of the crypt will merge all their assets, and the bison of the financial market will continue to be purchased, thereby increasing the capitalization of the market and, accordingly, the value of cryptocurrencies. However, this did not happen and most likely will not happen in the near future.

  2. Information about the upcoming ICO and the development of its own investment blockchain platform. When I found out that the company had started to prepare its own unique investment platform with the subsequent issuance of tokens and their placement on the stock exchange, as well as an attractive marketing plan for clients, I was 200% sure that the exit was found! The administration assured that the ICO project will start immediately after the company's exit from vacation, and even if it fails to trade, the administration will do everything possible to transfer the assets of customers to tokens, and we will continue to receive passive income from the growth of tokens, regardless of the situation on the cryptocurrency market. What do we see now? The official start date of the ICO was postponed to March 15. But that's not all... The trouble is that by correspondence with the administration I realized that the project would not be ready on March 15, and they do not even know when the project will be ready, because it is too large-scale development. In General, I was made to understand that before 5 months ICO should not wait.

So, I went back to my original question - "if companies are willing to continue the investment activities?". I have received an absolutely encouraging reply that everything is ready.

I was not even confused by the sudden cancellation of accrued profit for December 15. If it was necessary for the GOOD of business, then so be it. I believed in the company because I loved it, loved this brand, loved marketing tools, loved the plans and prospects of the company, loved the atmosphere that the company's marketers created for us. I had no reason not to trust this company at all, because for a whole year absolutely all the words were confirmed by the case!

Another point that began to bother me was the negative, which fell on me in the Russian-speaking market immediately after the company's exit from vacation. More precisely, the negative somehow has gone before, and I immediately warned the administration of the company. What I was again assured of the ABSOLUTE control of the situation, and that after the holiday everything will work as before. Okay, I did not succumb to provocations, but simply decided to silently wait out the unfavorable period to announce good news to my Russian-speaking partners immediately after solving all the problems.

But what happens next? And then the company goes on vacation with the next promises, and in a couple of weeks announces a banal restart for the entire Russian-speaking market!!!

Guys, this is crazy! I understand everything - time is such that it is impossible to trade, the cryptocurrency market in decline, the company in a wild drawdown, lost 50% of working capital, etc., etc. But then do not open up for anyone! Wait for this drawdown! Open up in 2-3 months, when traders will again make sense to work with money. Why do you open up to some markets but restart for others? If you really can not trade and make a profit, why turn a decent company into a banal financial pyramid, which can end at any time? Do you not realize that if there is no real business, real trading, the life of the investment project is reduced to a minimum??? Don't seem to understand...

Friends, you can ask - " and that now with with with your account, Dima? Did you get hit by a restart?". Of course, damn it! All my portfolios are suspended, because, as the administration said, I also deal with the Russian-speaking market. My investment portfolios, in which I invested$ 121 000, stopped working under the pretext of "temporarily". Also to me without explanation of the reason reduced interest on the bonus program. Now instead of 19% I have 15% left, which means that even if the foreign market will be selling, I will earn exactly$ 0 from any sale, because all my key partners already have the rank of "Shareholder" and cover my percentage.

You know, I don't really care about my investment portfolios. I myself have invested in cryptocurrency wow-go and very much lost in connection with the fall of the market. I perfectly understand all the wretchedness of this situation, I understand that now it is not possible not to make a profit on the cryptocurrency market, but even just to trade and earn a penny. Now it is simply UNREAL! But depriving me of interest to lose absolutely any interest in the company is a blatant meanness... I would like to speak more strictly, but I will not stoop to the level of insults.

I've been with this company for exactly 12 months. I believed that I had the right to vote in this company, that I could Express my point of view and direct the vector of the company's development in the right direction. Until November month all so and was. And then I suddenly became unnecessary. I can guess that against the backdrop of the growth of the cryptocurrency market, the administration lost its roof and they felt that their business was completely safe and prosperous. But then everything turned exactly in the opposite direction. In November, after Dubai, I was no longer needed. My requests for the urgent launch of the second promotion in Thailand has been ignored. Then the company began to do radical things, which I learned on an equal basis with everyone, without any agreement with me, and even without warning. A news was launched in the last turn, and people were getting a huge portion of unpleasant emotions, learning almost retroactively about the sudden vacation, cancellation charges, etc...

Unfortunately, I am not ready to work in a company that does not fulfill its obligations to its customers, deceiving themselves and other people.

My final word - I am LEAVING the RESONANCE!

I won't justify myself to anyone because I truly believed in this company. With Resonance I have good time, good atmosphere, good experience and a great team, which I love!

In financial terms, I made quite a mess, like many. I bought bitcoin starting at$ 10,000, but it continued to grow as evil. Then my hand trembled at 12, 15 and even 17 thousand dollars for the cue ball. When buying cue, I was losing about 20% to 30% Commission in exchange offices, which resulted in a significant number. And when the crypt went down, I realized that it was impossible to sell... Exchangers draly from 30% to 40% for the reverse conversion into dollars. As a result, like many, I bought into the trend of bitcoin and did not think about the difficulties of converting cryptocurrency into live money.

After such a horror, I can not imagine what kind of cryptocurrency trading can we talk about??? It is a myth! All exchanges tend to throw customers with large deposits. All exchangers are driven 30-40% for the exchange, profiting from the greed of people. Now this market seems to me to be completely unpredictable... What will happen next with these cryptocurrencies, which have already ruined thousands and thousands of people, and buried dozens of investment companies...


I am sure that this is not the last project in which we cooperate, because after a while I will start searching for a new project and will be open to new investment proposals. And now I have a lot of work to do on my morale, because I'm in shock, no less than anyone.

P. S. Please do correct conclusions and always take any risks just for yourself. As you can see, it can happen to anyone as the rise and fall. No one is immune from anything, especially in the financial market.

Here is so reacts natural a hamster. The one who could not stand the fall of bitcoin.

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