in poltics •  7 years ago  (edited)



Our President Donald J. Trump is a bigot.

There can be no argument about that. I don't think he understands how bigoted he is. I don't think he goes to Klan meetings though if that makes a difference. His election however has woken up a lot of people, including me. But does that really matter in the Long Game?

He has ostracized many people and pitted them against his supporters. If Hillary’s supporters had not done such a wonderful job convincing everyone she would easily win in a land-slide, her supporters would not have stayed home and she would have won the White House..... And... Nothing would have changed.

Another Clinton Presidency would have continued the Status Quo and the political lords would continue to pull the strings of global economic slavery.

Regular Middle Class People are mad.

We have no clue about the global economic strings of slavery. We are just fed up with the Status Quo without even knowing what it is. We are simply fed up with the 20 million or so entitlement addicts. We are fed up with the rioters in Washington. We are fed up with the marchers in Washington. We are fed up with cops writing speeding tickets. We don’t know the difference between the Antifa and the Progressives and the Feminists, the Nazis, the Anarchist Capitalists (ANCAPS) or the Anarchist Communists (ANCOMS). But we do know the difference between the Black Lives Matter, the Blue Lives Matter and the All Lives Matter people because that's been in the media so much, so thank them for that. All we see is a bunch of out-of-work un-disciplined entitlement maniacs running wild with their 1st Amendment to the point of property damage or worse.

The women's march was about Socialist Entitlement Programs that benefit women and children of all races. And there is fear in the progressive movement that Trump will roll back the Socialist programs that the Obama Administration progressed.

Here is a quote from an unknown feminist but shared by a friend of mine on Facebook.
"To those who are confused or surprised about why millions of people showed up to march Saturday:
"Women are marching because our children deserve a secretary of education that cares about education." "Women are marching because our family and friends deserve healthcare. Did you know that before the ACA, newborns in the NICU would hit their lifetime caps on health insurance coverage? That's right, Babies who had never felt the sun on their skin could no longer get health insurance." "Women are marching because domestic violence crisis centers and after school programs deserve funding." "Women are marching because we deserve clean air, clean water, and national parks." "Women are marching because we believe the children protected by the DREAM act deserve to be here and they deserve to live with their parents, not in orphanages and foster homes." "And most of all, women are marching because we have the right to. The right to protest and speak out against our government is the first amendment. That's right, #1! It is one of our most fundamental American rights." "Saying that we're whining, throwing temper tantrums, or that we're immature, or that we need to get over it will not stop us. It will not stop us from fighting for you. And we are fighting for you because you deserve these rights too." "We're not marching because Trump won." "We're marching because he wants to take all of the things that we hold dear away. All of the things that we've been fighting for generations." "And we're not giving up easily." "Anyone who thinks we're marching because we lost just simply isn't listening. We're fighting because we refuse to lose more."

Some consider these good programs that are being threatened; and Trump’s mere presence is threatening them. But make no mistake, they are Socialist programs and deserve to be threatened, at least until the 1% is made to pay their fair share of the burden.

Trump got elected because the Middle Class is surrounded by entitlement addicts and the Washington Insiders and the 1% do not pay their fair share. Bernie Sanders was running on a platform to make the 1% pay their fair share and Hillary destroyed him if favor of maintaining the Status Quo.

The status quo is milking the Middle Class to pay for the entitlements of the poor. Trump won because no one wants to continue the status quo anymore. Not the Anarchists, not the Libertarians, Not the Leftists, and most certainly not the Right Wingers.

The Globalists who control the money have designed a system since 1913 to economically enslave the masses, because, you know..... Lincoln and the North outlawed slavery outright; but really more recently since 1973, where the middle class have been designed to lift up the poor in such a way where the wealth of the 1% are not significantly affected. Trump and his bigotry and everyone else is trying to stand up to the Globalists to say "No More". But they don't even realize it. We just believe that the Middle Class is not going to be the only nipple that the entitlement addicts suckle from anymore.

Me... As a Pragmatist, I’d rather Bernie to have just come in, at this time, and used the movement to force the globalists to raise us all up at their expense because they have the resources to do it. They really do. Hence the ‘Antifa’ movement is protesting alongside the feminists and progressives. Or the opposite would happen and they'd cause another major recession by contracting the money supply. Either way we get the upheaval we need to put some fear into the special interests.

But..., we settled for Trump to come in to simply destroy the socialist progressive gains; to shut off and terminate the wet nurse. But remember, we only earned those socialist gains because the 1% allowed it to happen in the first place. Their special interest prowess and control over economies made it happen because by creating a system where the masses lift each other up doesn‘t really affect them and when the people are in need of pacification they do react. But, this time… in 4 years we will have gained nothing. The Middle Class will have kept slightly more of their earnings, and the 20 million addicts will be suffering entitlement withdrawals or be dead. We will have lost the progressive gains they let us have in the first place. And we will have lost our ability to challenge the 1% to pay their fair share. Because the plebs don't see what's really happening and we all let the DNC obliterate Bernie. The selfishness and the collusion of the DNC with their Super delegates are the antithesis of democracy.

But.., how much should the 1% pay in taxes? What percentage of income is fair? I don't know about the numbers but they need to be hurt by paying it. They need to feel the worry about how much their next paycheck is. They need to worry about the future. They need to pay until it hurts like it hurts a poor person to ask for assistance. Like it hurts a man's pride when the mother of his children has to work a job to help put food on the table. It has to hurt to pay it and the pain has to be visceral.

Check out my post the other day about the Velocity of Money. It was actually day two of my Diary but I felt it was important to get it out there first.


Sincerely, Conner's Blog @adconner

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You are a misled individual. I think your heart is in the right place but your conclusions are incorrect. I would suggest taking a step back and maybe learning about what both sides actually believe from actual people that believe it. Both sides are much more similar than you believe. Only talking to these people will allow you to see that.

Please help me take a step back and identify which conclusions are incorrect. I believe I only have one which is that the 1% has designed a system whereby the middle class supports the poor and they are left to get richer... that's my conclusion; I apologize if I didn't make that clear enough. But what specifically are you referring to?