Porn raises the numbers of divorces

in pornography •  8 years ago 

According to a study, the compromise to divorce affects both men and women who watch pornography.

Men and women  have been utilizing explicit sexual content since the world started the internet. Now, a new research focuses on how the use of pornography could affect marriage. The study, which was introduced at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Sociological Association , implies that men and women who begin using pornography at an intermediate point of their marriage are more likely to divorce than those who do not.

Prior studies on this matter had already insinuated that consumption of sexually explicit stuff is not suitable for marital well-being ; however, numerous of these studies were somewhat limited. Now a team of researchers from the University of Oklahoma (USA) has been able to investigate how pornography reshapes a marriage for several years.

The new report has evaluated the data from the 2006-2014 General Social Survey, a poll asking thousands of Americans their opinions on a wide range of issues. Specifically, because they are the very people involved in these studies for several years, experts were able to follow how attitudes, behaviors and lifestyles developed over time .

 To estimate the use of pornography, they examined the 5,698 respondents which had beforehand discussed whether or not they were married - if they had viewed a porn video in the latest year. 1,681 personalities reported seeing a pornographic film, their recounting that was also the first time they did it during the time of their last poll.

The summary of the data found that characters who began watching porn were more likely to divorce their spouses during the study follow - up period . For guys, the likelihood of reaching the divorce  grew from 5% to 10% . For women, the numbers were 6% to 18% . Of course, when women quit viewing pornography, divorce rates dropped from 18% to 6%. This figure was not as striking among men.

 Is pornography consumption creates dilemmas or is it a manifestation of an unhappy matrimony? Samuel Perry, a labor leader, considers that the data show as connection : "We are pretty sure, based on the statistical analysis we did. We compare wherever we can say there is a directional effect. "

Source: Oklahoma Daily

Thank you for reading and have a good one!

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Porn is very addictive and a destructive weapon which can destroy both your happiness in marriage and your perception of human sexuality. I entreat you my friend to seek for help when you find yourself in such a ditch.
I also encourage all to stay away from it if you have not been hooked by it.
Remember that "A little drop of water makes a mighty Ocean"

Everything In Moderation I say. Maybe we are statistical outliers, but porn has been enjoyed in my marriage for 25 years. Sometimes we share it together and sometime we enjoy it separately. It's not inherently evil in our experience, and had at times has connected us and inspired us to try new things.