The truth MSM Desperately tries to keep hidden from the American Public! See a reporter stating these are Peaceful Riots in Portland as a building burns in the background! A retired officer killed while trying to help his friend protect his pawn shop.

in portlandriots •  5 years ago 

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Thank you Jim Jordan for Standing up for what is right and showing this video montage that democrat should be leaders, mayors and much of MSM Don't want the American public to see. Why is that? Why don't they want people to know the truth? What are they so afraid of? Are they afraid of their diabolical, destructive agenda being exposes?

What is ludicrous is the building burning in the background as they attempt to Claim these are Peaceful Protests? Who is still allowing themselves to be "Played" by such false rhetoric?

Bringing this in right at the spot where Democrats in the Judiciary committee had a Fit when Jordan exposed the Truth!

No regards for human life or the law.

Very sad and so senseless, the killing of this retired police officer, David Dorn trying to help his friend protect his Jewelry and Pawn shop. My heart goes out to his family and all the good people there. God be with you all and may More people stand up to the wicked deeds these controllers are trying to push.

See more info on this. . .

Portland under seige for 9 weeks!
Why won’t the democrats condemn the mob?
Why won’t they condemn the rioters and what is happening to the federal building in Portland?
So Why is it only Democrat leaders and mayors around the country won’t admit the obvious?

The capital and church there would not be standing if it wasn’t for police protecting them and here the Democrats are trying to accuse the Other side and Barr of what They are doing!

Typical tactic of the democrat leaders who support Karl Marx in.. . .Whatever you are doing, blame the other side!

These dem leaders and mayors continue to try to brake down protections for the businesses and American People because 8 democrats and one socialist on the city council in Seattle are impeding help for the people.

The democrats wouldn’t let Barr answer questions, tried to stop evidence from being seen by the people and wouldn’t even let Barr use the restroom.

These people are Wicked!

Jim Jordan on video montage

Defunding the Police? That’s their play? Really?
Do they really expect people to fall for this?

Who in 2020 is Still falling for their ploys?

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