in positive •  3 years ago 

All of us affec-.: :11 one way or another, the people we meet_ This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference. and through body language. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts, and vice versa. Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive people and avoid negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.
Negative thoughts. words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative. poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment


• Ego is being shy and not wanting to tal to people. It is a fear of what others migh think of you
• It is not allowing yourself to learn and grow for fear of responsibility that comes with that
• It is the lack of trust towards people because your trust has been violated
• Ego is thinking nobody can do better than you
• Ego is the inability to accept that you need help
• Ego is pride. Ego is a victim.

How to Reduce the EGO-The ego is that part in us which feeds off praise, compliments and success. When we live in the ego we are inevitably subject to feelings of superiority / inferiority, pride and worthlessness, success and failure. If we want to avoid these negative emotions we need to transcend the ego. If we can transcend the ego, we will find that people are instinctively more attracted to us, even though we are no longer trying to impress. It may seem a great paradox, yet, limiting the role of our ego can make a radical difference to our lives.
These are some factors which can reduce the power of the Ego:

  1. Don't Try to Impress-
    Don't speak about your own achievements. Don't drop names of great people you have met. Avoid forcing your accomplishments and success into the conversation. If you have been successful in accumulating wealth, try to keep quiet about it. All these factors may impress your own ego, but, you can guarantee they will have little impact on other people
  1. Be aware of False Modesty-
    Sometimes when we say. "0 I'm absolutely hopeless". Actually what we are wanting is for people to respond. '0 no you are not, you are really good." Humility means that we don't take excessive pride in our achievements, but,
  1. Be Careful of Flattery-
    We need to be careful about receiving praise. in some ways it can be as difficult as receiving criticism. The problem is that the ego likes receiving praise and so we can easily become addicted to being flattered. Don't seek out people who are keen to flatter us, as this is Only feeding the ego. Also, be wary of flattering other people in the hope that they will return the compliment.
  1. Don't use your Religion / Spirituality to Impress-
    It is a mistake to feel that the practice of a religion/ spiritual path gives us a moral superiority over other people. If we feel any superiority we are missing the whole point of spirituality. Spirituality is about a feeling of oneness not of proving that one path is better than others. This can be one of the most insidious types of ego. This is because when we wrap up the ego in a sense of moral superiority, we can easily trick ourselves into thinking we are reducing the ego, when actually we are strengthening it.
  1. Be Aware of the Extended Ego-

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Ego, is not just about feeling we are better than others. Our Ego can also be expressed via national / religious feeling. When we feel a pride or superiority in our religion / nation. there is still the same problem of ego but. it is expressed through an extended sense of reality. This sense of superiority / pride is just as damaging as if it was contained to ourselves. However, we can feel that because it is not directly related to ourselves, somehow there is no ego involved.

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