You deserve good things to happen to you!

in positivethinking •  7 years ago  (edited)


A person with positive thinking anticipates happiness, success and health, and believes without a shadow of a doubt that they can overcome any obstacle.

Thinking positive is not a concept that everyone follows and believes in. Some consider it as a waste of time and frown at people who follow it. There is a growing number of people however, who accept positive thinking as a fact and believe in its effectiveness.

To use it in your life, you need more than just to be aware of its existence. You need to adopt the attitude of positive thinking in everything you do.

There is a saying; ‘You are where you are because of the thoughts you hold in your mind’ so I’m essence if you think success, you will attract success, if you think lack you will attract lack. The universe is constantly working and answering all the thoughts you project.

Remember, the Universe (God) never says no to wishes or thoughts. They are delayed in order for you to alter you mind/ evaluate your thoughts to figure out if you really want what you have put out there. In the event of being certain that is what you want, that thought or wish will inevitably become your reality.

Positive thoughts and vibrations always over power negative thoughts and vibrations so, as difficult as it might be, remain positive and hold onto the thought of happiness (whatever it is you want) and it will manifest before you know it.

Remember, you deserve good things to happen to you so give yourself the permission to receive the greatness that’s on its way to you and your family.

Please feel free to leave your comments and thoughts below - I’d love to read them 😊

Kofi Asante

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