i ♥ Positivity Challenge Day 1- I CHOOSE TO BE POSITIVE!

in positivitychallenge •  6 years ago  (edited)

Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely. ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Hello Steemit fretz!

This is one of the seven positivity posts that I will be sharing to all of you. Thank you at @foxyspirit for your nomination. I’ve been on and off on Steemit because I had to focus on my part-time job, I had tons of deadlines to catch up to. This is way long overdue but just to let yah know Foxy, I haven’t forgotten it. ^^

The Seven Day Positivity Challenge

The challenge is to share something positive to our fellow Steemians for seven days. I believe that words are so powerful and when used the right way, it can definitely change, inspire or touch someone’s heart.


  • Create a post about optimism, killing negativity by replacing negative thoughts/actions with something positive.
  • Do this for Seven days. (Not required to do it straight in a row).
  • Tag three people on each post.
  • Use #positivitychallenge as one of your tags.
  • My nominations: @watersnake, @asianetwork, @iamjadeline

    P.S. Others may feel that this kind of post is repetitive but come to think of it, each and every one of us has something to share. If you’re done with this challenge, you don’t have to do one again. 😊


    The best way to open up this challenge is by embracing positivity. One of the essential components of this challenge is BEING POSITIVE. You have to decide for yourself that you are going to see things optimistically instead of always seeing the negative side of things.

    Choosing positivity doesn’t happen with just a flip of a finger. Of course, negative thoughts will also come creeping in but it’s up to you to allow those bad thoughts to drown you and make the best of you. You will always have a choice and dwelling with such thoughts can affect not just your life but also the people around you.

    Always keep this in mind when pessimistic thoughts start to come, do not entertain, do not let it get into you. Think of the things that make you happy, think of all the good things that has happened instead of the tragic ones.

    I am choosing to be positive! I choose to be HAPPY! I choose to love life and I choose to see the good things instead of the bad.

    How about you my frets, which one will you choose?


    Banner created by @charisma777

    Photos used are from Pexels.com and Unsplash.com

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    such inspire. many wow.

    Nice post friend
    i like your way of thinking and share a similar perspective like you.

    i think that you can look on everything that happens in life in two ways
    for example lets talk about a test that i have failed or a challenge that i failed

    in the moment that i have failed i have two choices whether to take it in positive way or in a negative way

    Postive way: im gonna try and learn from my failure and understand why i have failed and what can i do next time to be better and improve my result! and in that moment you have to decide your not giving up and ready for another round!

    Negative way: you are gonna be mad on your self and maybe giving up on the challenge cause you feel like you cant do it because you failed one time

    Its all matter of perspective and that little attitude can change your life!

    I'm so getting what you are saying. Thank you so much for this lovely example of focusing on the positive. :)

    Many people we see around us these days have legitimate reasons for being miserable, negative and despondent.

    • I have no money..,.I'm poor.
    • My health is terrible.
    • Nobody likes me.
    • I can't meet a life partner
    • I'm so damn depressed.

    But are they actually legitimate?

    Choose is an incredibly powerful word...It suggests and reminds that we are in control! I have worked minimum wage at many times in my life and been unable to pay rent. I will confess that many times I was miserable...but At many times I was poor and happy. Trust me that was far more enjoyable situation.

    Although depression is a serious issue all of the reasons I mention above are greatly improved, or at the very least the worst effects lessened by making the choice you suggest.

    There are many brain hacks that can be implemented to improve mood and foster positivity. This is one of the subjects that interests me most and so i often stumble across pieces of info that repeat, suggesting they are established techniques.

    One incredibly simple exercise to treat depression and improve mood is to take a pencil, hold it between the teeth thus forcing your face into a forced smile position. The facial posture sends an alternative message to the subconscious mind that we indeed are smiling...

    Guess what!

    Yeah you are right, you guessed correctly. The fake smile becomes a smile I know for sure this one has an incredibly high success rate. Physiology over psychology...Make your body into a larger than life posture, spread the arms and move about. this is the antithesis of traditional depressed posture and again can have an effect that gets hormones flying around the body and reorganizing in a far more positive way.

    Oops! I went a little deep with this simple comment haha. I am merely observing that even when you think that the choice is not possible because ya feel "so damn low," you may actually be able to short circuit your traditional belief and emotional system.

    If making that simple choice is easy for you...Just do it! It's far better than the alternative, right?

    Have fun, take care and enjoy the journey :D

    I wish I could give this more love than it deserves. Thank you so much for this suggestion. I've never read about the pencil method (am not sure if I'd used it someday).

    Depression can totally run havoc in one's life!

    Thanks for dropping by. :)

    Yes, everything is choice but we have to make wise choice because what we will choose that will make us in life and we will portray that aspect in life, so walk on the path of positivity and spread positivity. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

    These are great words my friend! You will always have a choice in everything you do. It's a matter of perspective on what matters the most? Do you live to suffer or do you live to be happy? ^^

    Absolutely true. 🙂

    Hey I think this is exactly what we need. More positivity and out with the negativity especially with the prices going down. I see my name there on the tag though you missed the 101 but I'm glad I saw it. Will try to whip up a positive post this week.

    Hahahha! Sorry I'm pretty bad with names and memory! lol

    I'm glad that you took time to read it. :) It'd be nice to see your positivity post soon. ^^

    Ingat. ^^

    We always have a choice :) Thank you for sharing your thoughts

    Always a pleasure @supernovastaffy. :) Thanks for dropping by.

    You are soooo right about this, @dawnsheree!!

    Choosing positivity doesn’t happen with just a flip of a finger. Of course, negative thoughts will also come creeping in but it’s up to you to allow those bad thoughts to drown you and make the best of you. You will always have a choice and dwelling with such thoughts can affect not just your life but also the people around you.

    I have grown to be rather pessimistic but still I strive to dwell on the positive stuffs. I would tell myself to deliberately find them, because I'm spreading a different aura to those around me as well. Happiness is indeed a choice, it is an attitude, whether in good times or trying times.

    Oh! I'm glad you were able to find some learning on my post and glad that you are exercising this each and everyday! Have a great day. :)

    You are awesome Dawn. Glad you are the challenge ^_^.

    You will always have a choice and dwelling with such thoughts can affect not just your life but also the people around you.

    100% agree with you there :D xxx

    Thanks @foxyspirit ^^

    Honey Hive Bomb Comment.png Bomb

    Thank you.

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    Thank you @thesteemengine! :)