i ♥ Positivity Challenge Day 5- Learning from FAILURE

in positivitychallenge •  6 years ago  (edited)

The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

The Seven Day Positivity Challenge

The challenge is to share something positive to our fellow Steemians for seven days. I believe that words are so powerful and when used the right way, it can definitely change, inspire or touch someone’s heart.


  • Create a post about optimism, killing negativity by replacing negative thoughts/actions with something positive.
  • Do this for Seven days. (Not required to do it straight in a row).
  • Tag three people on each post.
  • Use #positivitychallenge as one of your tags.
  • My nominations: @cryptosharon, @toddrjohnson, @thekittygirl

    P.S. Others may feel that this kind of post is repetitive but come to think of it, each and every one of us has something to share. If you’re done with this challenge, you don’t have to do one again. 😊

    Your Greatest Teacher is FAILURE

    FAILURE not only happens to you, it happens to everyone. At some point in our lives we must have come across disappointments. However, that doesn’t mean that going through such makes you a sour loser right away, it’s how you handle it. It’s how you are able to come back up to try again or move on and try a different path.

    By failing, you are able to realize what makes you stronger and what things makes you weaker. In this way, you are able to correct the things that you’ve missed and do better and then enhance what you are good at, at the same time.

    I’ve had my shares of highs and lows. Through failure, I’ve had learned a lot of things. I’d like to share a few of them to you. 😊

    FAILURE is NOT the END

    I’ve come to learn that failure is not the end of the road. It can lead you to different things. You are the driver of your life so it’s up to you if you make disappointments ride in the front seat or at the back. Failure allows you to dream again and to see another perspective in life. It’s your great way to much greater things.

    It may sound easy but the only way you can get passed through this and continue on your journey is to get back up after the fall. You’ll be surprise that once you get your head straight, you can continue to walk on a different path. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck on that failure.

    Believe me my fretz! I assure you failure, doesn’t only happen once, you are going to experience it. It could be less or more than others. Don’t ever let failure get the best of you.

    Friend Filter

    This sounds harsh but with failure you’ll know which of them will stick around even if you don’t have something to offer.

    When you are high up and you have everything, you are surrounded with tons of “friends.” They praise you, and some go as even close to worshipping you. FAIL and everyone around you gets thinner and thinner. You are no longer able to contact them, and they don’t even answer your calls.

    In failure, you get to see who your real friends are. They are the ones who will run and get out of their way to cheer you back up. They don’t see you as a disease or something to get away from. Instead, they hug you and make you feel that there’s more to life than failing.

    You see the Value of Things

    Through failure, loss and disappointments, you learn to value things around you. What you think is important may not be so important or what you think is not important is totally important after all.

    With losing, you will learn the value of things. Once you have it, you will learn to cherish it and not take it for granted.

    This is why, at times, failure makes you become stronger because you know what it feels to have none, the feeling of losing that thing or person. This pushes you to improve to get better so you will never have to experience such feeling again.

    You Can Change for the Better

    As you face life after the disappointment, if you don’t let it get to you, you will be better, you will be the best version of yourself. After that point of uncertainty, you are able to face life’s challenges wisely. You’ll get tougher and you will always strive to do your best to not experience the same thing again.

    As I mentioned previously on my first challenge, it will always be your choice. You have the power to change your life based on your decision. Learn from it and once you’ve think it through, once you’ve learned to apply what went wrong, you will SUCCEED.

    You will succeed! You are the best! Spread your wings and fly! Take care my fretz!


    Banner created by @charisma777

    Photos used are from Unsplash.com

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    Positively a positive approach toward failure. It is always there, and will always be a part of life.

    Now for a not so positive thing - I wonder how many people viewing the top photo of the hand holding have noticed that starting from the top right hand corner, it is right hand over left hand, until the last upper left hand corner where it is left over right. Do you think this is them in their not so subtle way trying to show people just how wrong it is to be a lefty? I mean why the last person or first person depending on perspective has to be different. why not the girl, why point out the difference in the top left hand corner? Why center all the differences on the left hand side of the image? just a random observation, my wife says I need to practice noticing things more, I just noticed that. I mean I have seen that image used on a lot of sites, and blogs, but this is the first time I noticed, perhaps it had to due with the blog topic, failure.

    I haven't even noticed it if you haven't pointed it out! :) xxx

    I'm not going to complicate it more because I'm not as observant as you. ^^

    Honey Hive Bomb Comment.png Bomb

    Nice pep talk you have going there! Executing the positivitey challenge into its full extend.

    Without failure there is also no succes. We have to have set backs sometimes to make us more humble and appreciate more in what we have or not have. And failure... it sounds so negative. A set back is more the term I would refer to for myself I guess

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Thanks for the suggestion, it can also be called a set-back. :)

    Wise words, thanks for the good read!

    You're welcome. Thank you for dropping by.


    Wonderful, inspiring post!

    Aw, thank you so much.

    Very nice! Love the challenge, and I enjoyed reading things in your life that you find positivity in! Good job! ♥

    Thank you @squishyquid. I'm happy that you took time to read this. ^^


    More heart for yah ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    So much wisdom in one post! Great reminder to learn from the good and the bad. Everything is an experience

    I totally agree with you. :) We always learn something even if it's a good or bad experience.

    Failure is part of our success journey, its very important that we learn to fail forward. Failing forward is learning from our mistakes and moving on. And you are right failure helps us in many ways!
    Thanks for this wonderful piece!

    You're welcome. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts in this topic. There are many who have been going through this part of their lives and I feel that at times, we should give them a little encouragement.