The Holy Ka'bah

in possession •  3 months ago 

Possession is a phenomenon that often occurs in various parts of the world, especially in communities that still strongly hold spiritual values ​​or traditional beliefs. Possession is often identified as a condition in which a person appears to lose consciousness and speaks or acts as if controlled by another power, be it a supernatural being, intense emotions, or psychological disorders. In some cases, people who are possessed are even taken to holy places such as the Holy Ka'bah in the hope of getting cured. There are several reasons why many people who are possessed are often taken to the Holy Ka'bah.

Possession can be caused by various factors, whether spiritual, psychological, or environmental. Here are some of the main causes:

a. Spiritual Factors

  • Disturbance by Supernatural Beings
    From a spiritual perspective, possession is often associated with disturbances by supernatural beings such as jinns or spirits. This belief is often found in communities that believe in the existence of other dimensions besides the real world. In Islam, jinns are mentioned in the Qur'an as creatures that live side by side with humans, and some of them can disturb humans.

  • Rituals or Haunted Places
    People who interact with places that are considered haunted or perform certain rituals without spiritual protection are also considered more susceptible to possession. In many cases, possession occurs after someone visits a place that is considered to have negative energy.

b. Psychological Factors

  • Stress and Emotional Pressure
    Severe stress, emotional trauma, or uncontrolled life pressures can cause a person to lose control of themselves. In this condition, a person can experience dissociation, which in many cultures is considered possession.

  • Strong Suggestion and Belief
    A person who strongly believes that he can be possessed by supernatural beings tends to be more susceptible to possession phenomena. This is often reinforced by an environment that has similar beliefs.

c. Environmental Factors

  • Mass Groups
    In some cases, possession occurs en masse, especially in school or work environments. This is usually triggered by suggestive conditions that affect a group of people at once.

  • Influence of Mystical Environment
    Living in an environment that is often associated with mysticism can also increase the risk of being possessed, especially if there is a collective belief that the place is "inhabited" by supernatural beings.


When someone experiences possession, some people choose to take them to the Holy Ka'bah, the holiest place for Muslims. This action is based on various reasons, both spiritual, religious, and psychological.

  • Belief in the Blessings of the Holy Ka'bah
    The Holy Ka'bah is the holiest place in Islam. The belief that this place has positive energy and extraordinary blessings makes many people believe that all forms of disturbance, including possession, can be cured there. The existence of the Kaaba as the spiritual center of Muslims is also believed to have the power to expel disturbances from jinns or supernatural beings.

  • Prayer and Ruqyah in the Holy Place
    Ruqyah, or reading verses of the Qur'an for healing, is often done at the Holy Ka'bah. The holy verses of the Qur'an are believed to have the power to expel jinns or supernatural beings that possess a person. The Holy Ka'bah is the place of choice because it is believed that prayers offered in this place are more efficacious.

  • Psychological Effects of Holy Places
    For some people who are possessed, taking them to a holy place such as the Holy Ka'bah can provide a calming psychological effect. A peaceful spiritual environment full of worship activities can help sufferers feel calmer and regain consciousness.

  • Efforts to Obtain Spiritual Healing
    Many people believe that possession can not only be cured medically, but also requires a spiritual approach. By taking people who are possessed to the Holy Ka'bah, they hope to get direct help from اللهﷻ through prayer and the blessings of the holy place.

When someone who is possessed is brought to the Holy Ka'bah, there are several stages that are usually carried out:

  1. Reading Verses of the Qur'an
    Verses such as Al-Fatihah, Ayat Kursi, and Al-Mu'awwidzatain (Surah Al-Falaq and An-Nas) are often recited to ward off disturbances from supernatural beings.

  2. Prayer Together
    People around the sufferer usually pray that the sufferer will soon regain consciousness and recover from the disturbance of possession.

  3. Accompaniment by Ulama or Experts
    Ulama or ruqyah practitioners are often involved to help the healing process. They have the experience and knowledge to handle cases of possession in an Islamic way.

  4. Utilization of the Spiritual Environment
    Presence in a holy place such as the Holy Ka'bah is believed to be able to create a conducive atmosphere for the sufferer to regain consciousness, especially by hearing the recitation of verses of the Qur'an that always echo in the mosque.

Although bringing a possessed person to the Holy Ka'bah is considered an effective solution, this action has also received criticism from various parties, especially from a medical and psychological perspective.

  1. Underutilized Medical Approach
    Possession caused by psychological disorders often requires professional help such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. Ignoring the medical aspect and only focusing on the spiritual approach can slow down the healing process.

  2. Stigma and Negative Suggestions
    Bringing a possessed person to the Holy Ka'bah can strengthen the belief that possession is solely caused by supernatural beings. This can create a negative stigma against the sufferer and strengthen suggestions in society.

  3. Case Management in Public Places
    Handling possession in public places such as the Holy Ka'bah can attract the attention of many people and cause crowds. This sometimes disturbs the comfort of other worshipers who are praying.

Possession is a complex phenomenon that involves spiritual, psychological, and environmental aspects. The causes of possession vary, from disturbances by supernatural beings to severe emotional stress. Taking a person who is possessed to the Holy Ka'bah is one of the steps taken by people who believe in the spiritual power of this holy place in overcoming the disorder.

However, it is important to remember that handling possession should involve a holistic approach, including medical assistance if necessary. In this way, the phenomenon of possession can be handled more effectively without neglecting the underlying spiritual and psychological aspects.

Dhikr is one of the practices that is highly recommended in Islam because it has extraordinary benefits for the life of a Muslim, both spiritually and physically. In the context of protection from disturbances, including possession by jinns, morning and evening dhikr and dhikr after obligatory prayers are powerful shields. The following is an explanation of the importance of this practice:

a. Strengthening Faith and Getting Closer to اللهﷻ
Dhikr is a means to always remember اللهﷻ. By remembering اللهﷻ, the heart becomes calm (QS. Ar-Ra'd: 28) and the faith of a Muslim will be stronger. People who always remember اللهﷻ will always be under His protection, making it difficult for jinns or other creatures to interfere.

b. Direct Commands from the Qur'an and Sunnah
اللهﷻ commands His people to remember اللهﷻ in the morning and evening as a form of submission and protection:

"And mention the name of your Lord in the morning and evening." (QS. Al-Insan: 25).

The Prophet ﷺ also exemplified morning and evening dhikr as a highly recommended sunnah. In several narrations, he explained that this dhikr has the power to protect against disturbances from Satan and other dangers.

c. Protection from Disturbances by Jinns and Satan
Disturbances by Jinns or possession often occur due to the weakness of a person's spiritual protection. Morning and evening dhikr, as taught by the Prophet ﷺ, functions as a strong fortress. Some dhikr that has protective benefits include:

  • The Throne Verse (QS. Al-Baqarah: 255): This verse is referred to as a very strong protector from disturbances by Jinns.
  • Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas: Reading these three surahs in the morning and evening can keep away all forms of evil.
  • Dhikr words such as "Bismillahilladzi la yadurru ma'asmihi syai'un fil ardhi wala fis sama' wa huwas sami'ul alim" (In the name of اللهﷻ, in whose name nothing on earth and in the sky can harm, and He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing).

d. The Virtues of Dhikr After Obligatory Prayer
The Prophet ﷺ also taught dhikr after obligatory prayer as a form of gratitude and strengthening of faith. Dhikr such as Subhanallah (33 times), Alhamdulillah (33 times), and Allahu Akbar (34 times) have extraordinary virtues in getting closer to اللهﷻ and building a shield of protection from all forms of disturbance, including from jinns.

e. Fortifying the House and Environment from Jinn Disturbances
Dhikr that is done routinely will bring blessings not only to the doer, but also to the house and its environment. A house that is often decorated with dhikr and verses of the Qur'an will be difficult for jinns and demons to enter.

f. Increasing Peace of Heart and Balance of Soul
People who diligently do dhikr will feel deep peace of heart. Jinn disturbances often occur in individuals who experience emotional imbalance or excessive fear. By remembering اللهﷻ, the heart becomes strong and the mind becomes calmer, making it difficult for the jinn to approach.

Morning and evening dhikr and dhikr after obligatory prayers are not just rituals, but also a powerful spiritual shield that protects against disturbances from jinns, including possession. This practice must be done with sincerity and consistency so that its benefits are felt. By always remembering اللهﷻ, a Muslim not only gets protection, but also blessings in his life.

"Whoever remembers اللهﷻ, اللهﷻ will remember him." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 152)

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