Why people run for Prez.

in potus •  2 years ago 


As someone who's always been attracted to 3rd party runs doomed to fail in the electoral sense, I've got no problem with people running for President who are really running to sell ideas (or even books, which is selling ideas in another way).

But most of the people currently running even in the major parties certainly aren't even really running for the same office.

Nikki Haley is running to be Commander in Chief.

Afroman is running to be, and this one is a quote... the "Pothead of State".

Vivek Ramaswami is running not to be the head of a government but as a representative of culture.

Trump is running to win to make up for being a loser.

Biden as the sitting President is simply... expected... to run, and whoever makes decisions for him will hand off his handling when the time is right.

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