All anyone needs to do is advance the hidden and disguised truth if they can even accurately determine what the truth is.
So many are afraid, even terrified at the thought of speaking up while the system is so corrupt the path of least resistance is to serve the corrupt powers in place.
Anyone challenging the false narratives and corrupt powers in place, risks being persecuted with their career and source of income being destroyed.
The public is its own worst enemy in the sense that most do what they believe is best for them personally, which too often means remaining silent instead of speaking up as a matter of moral and ethical principle.
Not enough people speaking up against the corruption is exactly what enables it to continue.
If the public was better informed and willing to actively support politicians challenging the status quo while also supporting legislation and policies designed to diminish or end the corruption, things would change relatively fast compared to the way we’re still moving in the wrong direction - towards becoming the globalists long sought NWO Globalist Fascist Surveillance Police State.
And ironically, moving in this wrong direction while excluding a growing percent of the population from any meaningful participation in the political economic system, is exactly what is forcing a growing percent of the population to wake up.
How far in this totalitarian direction must we go before the average person realizes it’s a huge mistake?