Practical wisdom of the Bible: A wise person is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is careless and overconfident. Proverbs 14:16

in practical •  last year 

The Book of Proverbs, is fundamentally a text especialized in giving simple tips o sentences of practical wisdom to live well and achieve happiness and excellence; and as a sapiential book teaches about the importance of the two paths, righteousness ("Do to others what you would have them do to you" Matthew 7:12) and sin are solutions to human behavior. No one, and this is a spiritual truth, is beyond good and evil. And this is why two interesting contrasting figures appear in the book, the wise man and the fool.
And following this way of thinking, the wise King Solomon the author of the book gave to men an interesting thought to always keep in mind about the opposition between foolishness and wisdom: "A wise person is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is careless and overconfident" Proverbs 14:16.
What this phrase in the Bible is explaining is that no matter how intelligent people are, or the precision of the calculations they make, evil always returns to those who practice it. The ethical laws of the universe act unfailingly on human actions: "Do not sow in the furrows of injustice, lest you harvest it sevenfold," Ben Sira 7:3, "For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." Hosea 8:7.
And so the wise man who knows the spiritual gift of fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity) avoids evil; wisdom, and that is the difference with the moral virtue of prudence, consists in abhors error.
And then the proverb continues and expresses a very common problem in fools, overconfidence. Many failures in human history were due to this problem, overconfidence does not allow men to perceive the true magnitude of the problems when performing a task.
The Book of Proverbs calls men to seek wisdom above any other, and this is what common sense consists of.
Practical wisdom of the Bible. A wise person is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is careless and overconfident. Proverbs 14,16.jpg
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