Prayer against the idolaters: With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish. Psalm 83:3

in prayer •  10 months ago 

The Bible teaches that just as those who fear God with their hearts are blessed, idolaters who follow the path of error are punished with an uncertain path full of destructive unforeseen events. There are two ways and two rewards, and no one can escape of this truth, as the Psalm 1, the Psalm of Two Ways, teaches.
Fools are essentially enemies of God and his plan, that is why the Psalm 83 is a prayer against a few ancient enemies of Israel. And to teach this, the Psalm uses characters and situations taught in the Book of Judges; this song was probably written to celebrate and remember the victories of the judges.
This is why the Psalm begins with these words:
"O God, do not remain silent;
do not turn a deaf ear,
do not stand aloof, O God.
See how your enemies growl,
how your foes rear their heads.
With cunning they conspire against your people;
they plot against those you cherish.
´Come,´ they say, ´let us destroy them as a nation,
so that Israel's name is remembered no more.´" Psalm 83:1-4.
The Psalm is also a reminder of the covenant between God and his people, and that God in his wisdom and faithfulness does not forget those who worship him from the heart, the Psalm firmly condemns ancient enemies of Israel such as Sisera and Midian who oppressed the nation of Israel for a long time. Those who live following only their own selfishness and who, dominated by fantasy, worship false idols, like these ancient tyrants cannot prosper.
This is why the Psalm ends with an imprecation for these ancient enemies, and so that in this way the name of God may be recognized by all nations:
"Cover their faces with shame, LORD,
so that they will seek your name.
May they ever be ashamed and dismayed;
may they perish in disgrace.
Let them know that you, whose name is the LORD—
that you alone are the Most High over all the earth" Psalm 83:16-18.
Prayer against the idolaters. With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish. Psalm 83,3.jpg
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