Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives is a 2013 film that aired on the Discovery Channel about the potential survival of the prehistoric shark. Purported to be a documentary, the story revolves around numerous videos, "photographs", and firsthand encounters with a megalodon and an ensuing investigation that points to the involvement of the prehistoric species, despite the long-held belief of its extinction. The film is presented as factual, including accounts from professionals in various fields such as marine biology.
The show, similar to the Animal Planet's pseudo-"documentary" Mermaids: The Body Found, came under heavy criticism by both scientists and viewers due to the blatant attempt to present something fictional as a documentary.[1] Despite the disclaimers, viewers were offended that docufiction aired on Discovery Channel—the preeminent US network for producing educational and credible scientific programs.
Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives ranks as the most-watched Shark Week show to date, with 4.8 million viewers. Much of the attention garnered by the film was the result of the backlash, though host Brian Switek said that the film "gave science communicators like me an easy target".[2] The special received a sequel titled Megalodon: The New Evidence. During Shark Week 2018, Discovery aired Megalodon: Fact vs. Fiction, a new special with experts that reflects on the original.