Extensive explanatory work is being carried out on the prevention of birth defects and the birth of a healthy child. Therefore, women are advised to take prenatal vitamins not only during pregnancy and lactation but also before pregnancy. But keep in mind that prenatal vitamins are not just dietary supplements and an alternative to healthy foods. In addition to prescription vitamins, prenatal vitamins with probiotics are also available without a prescription.
Essential Vitamins or Minerals
Obviously, you can expect over-the-counter brands to have low assimilation rates or low ratios of very important vitamins or minerals. Antenatal vitamins prescribed by doctors are usually of high quality and have a high absorption rate. Also, all types of insurance plans include a large portion of prenatal vitamins, which makes them cheap and convenient for women.
Prenatal Visit
When you first visit before giving birth, if you have not yet started taking them, you will be prescribed prenatal vitamins. Your doctor will usually only prescribe you prenatal vitamins. You need to be careful when taking these vitamins with food, otherwise, there will be side effects like nausea. Nutritional deficiencies and neural tube defects such as spin Bifida and anencephaly can be prevented by taking prenatal vitamins.
Recent Research
Recent studies show that almost a third of women aged 18-45 still do not get enough folic acid during pregnancy. Not enough folic acid in strong foods. Pregnant women just don’t get enough folic acid from their diet. The average prenatal vitamin contains the recommended 400 mcg folic acid, making it easy to prevent neural tube defects when taken daily.
Calcium Is Equally Important
It is also important to provide extra calcium. Historical evidence shows that a normal woman needs 1200 mg of calcium per day, while a pregnant woman needs 1500 mg. Surprisingly, daily prenatal vitamins do not contain enough calcium.
So you need to supplement your diet with milk, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, and more. Of course, excessive consumption of vitamin A can also be harmful, so the use of prenatal vitamins and diet should be discussed with your prenatal doctor.
Final Words
Prenatal vitamins are essential for a healthy pregnancy and baby and can never be ignored. The importance of taking a daily prenatal vitamin cannot be underestimated, it is the future of your baby. If a woman is planning to become pregnant, she should consult an obstetrician or midwife and take into account nutrition, general health, stress, and other factors.