in prepper •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hidden Knowledge They Don't Want You To Know
The new ResetWars program just released provides an insight into the infamous CIA MK Ultra program and how the Globalists working with the Deepstate are using a Psyop program to program your mind.


Note: We are not an affiliate with the program and make no compensation from it.

We want to get the word out on this program because we believe it to be a world-changing program that provides tools to wake up and deprogram our huge populous of “Sheeple”.


In This Personal Letter From InfoWars Founder Alex Jones, You’ll Discover How To Protect You And Your Family’s Freedom From The Evil Globalist Agenda Currently Underway…

From The Desk Of Alex Jones
Date: Monday, December 13th, 2021
Austin, TX – InfoWars HQ
Dear Fellow Patriot,

My name is Alex Jones.

I’m going to assume if you’re reading this letter, you already know who I am.

You may have seen me on my own show, InfoWars…

Where every week we show tens of millions of people the truth behind what’s actually going on in the world…

Or, you’ve probably seen me on my shows with my good friend Joe Rogan…

Where collectively, across three episodes, we’ve amassed over 61,000,000 views.

But the point of this letter is not to talk about me.

It’s to talk about something very serious which you must understand…

There are very grave consequences if we collectively, as a nation, don’t start taking action immediately…

You need to read this, before it’s too late.
Right Now, I’m Going To Give You The Hidden Knowledge I’ve Spent 28 Years Uncovering…

My goal is for you to see the game the elites are playing.

… that’s the only way to defeat these sick and twisted bodies of power…

If you understand their gameplan, you won’t become a victim to it.

After reading this, you’ll understand…

The Global Political Conspiracy That The Democrats Have Been Hiding For Decades (It’s Truly Disturbing…)
Why These “Demon Worshipping Groups Of Power” Are Hell Bent On Turning Us Into Slaves And What You Can Do To Fight Back…
What You Must Do Immediately To Protect Yourself, Your Family, And Your Loved Ones From This All-Out Assault On Our Personal Freedoms…
How To Break Free From The Mind Control Tactics That The CIA And Tyrannical Mass Media Don’t Want You To Know About…
​The Three Tactics Used To Deliberately Lower Your Frequency In Order To Keep You Under Their Control… and much more.

Understand this…

When we’re looking back a few years from now…

You’re going to realize that YOUR desire to find the truth was really what helped humanity win this war.

Let’s dive right in.

Who Are The Elite And What’s Really Going On?

It’s been proven that there’s a select class of people…

… and a few very large corporate entities…

… who have formed groups together to control a majority of the wealth and power in the world.

It used to be that they would make their moves for a new world order in the shadows…

But, with the amount of information being constantly shared through the internet, this is no longer possible for them.

Many individuals, including myself, wanted the general public to see that these elite groups DO in fact exist…

And more importantly, we wanted everyone to see that…

They Want A Global Power Structure To Make It Easier To Control Everyone’s Thoughts, Speech, And Actions

Make no mistake about it, these groups have been in control for hundreds of years.

They’re now seeing that the tactics which worked before no longer work…

In the medieval ages, mind control used to be as simple as putting someone in a cage in the town square whenever they went against the king’s orders….

Or, even hanging them if they continued to break the rules…

Citizens of the kingdom would see these public displays of torture and it would “program” them to follow the king’s rules.

But, in our advanced times, it’s not as simple…
The Groups That Are Now In Control Know We’re Awakening…
Because of the Internet, we are quite literally experiencing a new renaissance.

And remember, the renaissance came after the dark ages.

The world before the internet was our modern day version of the dark ages.

Think about all of the information that everyday people now have…

All of the secret teachings…

All of the hidden knowledge…

All of the information that the elite ruling class of people never intended for people like you and me to have access to.

Having access to this information is part of what separated them from the general public.

In fact, me sharing this information with you is extremely risky.

I’m currently being taken to court for talking about this on my show InfoWars…

And sharing this in written form is probably only going to do more damage.

But I don’t care, people need to know the truth, which is…
They’re Terrified Of The Power We Hold
They know we want to break free from the systems they’ve spent decades creating…

This year alone, many people have started to see this game they play for what it truly is.

And that’s the last thing the elite want.

This is why we see them pushing to convert the world into a system where we’re dependent on one singular government.

The plans for announcing a world ID…

A world vaccine passport…

And even a carbon passport that won’t just tax you for carbon use, but will actually tell you when and where you can go.

All of this is the foundation for setting up a system where…
We Are Being Forced To Abide
By Their Rules…

This is what the elites have been working to create and it’s called..
“The Great Reset.”


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