Homesteading in a cashless society.

in prepping •  8 years ago 

I posted this video some time back, and no, it doesn't address crypto-currencies. The sad truth is that the vast majority of people will soon be stuck in a World, where they're forced to pay the Banksters for the privilege of having any money though. Near the end of the video, I suggest a few other "Physical items" you might want to think about investing in. (Hint; They aren't necessarily precious metals.) I hope you enjoy it!!!!

Video is here....

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Well said. Barter will be important.

Do a little research on ""Time Banking"".

I can remember when banks' savings account had about a 5% interest rate return. Those days are LONG gone.
We have a bank account to pay bills online but NEVER keep more in the bank then needed for the household bills. We lost so much in 2008-2009 when the recession hit. My 401k was practically wiped out.
Then we had to bail the banks out because they had no self control about lending. Was that my fault? No, but who had to pay that bail out? Congress? Obama? I have NO Faith in the banking system and the more I learn about cryptocurrency the more I like it. In my mind I call it the 'people's bank'.

Bartering if another recession or market crash hits will be the way of the future. SO many commercials about silver and gold, when in reality food and water could be the top bartering items is not so far-fetched as people may believe.

Don't forget Booze (Maybe the little single shot bottles?) and Bic lighters.