If I were president...

in president •  7 years ago 

In general I much prefer anarchism (which can also be called voluntaryism to sound less scary) and would prefer there be no government, in contrast to our current system. Most people would suggest that anarchism cannot work, and they wouldn't want it anyway. They are too tied into the statist system to want to let go. But as you can see, the United States is a very divided country with no apparent middle ground.

If you were to ask me which of the two camps I would prefer to fall into, it would surely be the "right." There is something I find disgusting and unappealing about the modern left. They appear to pander to the lowest common denominator with regards to culture. They seemingly choose contrasting positions based on what the right says its positions are, even if they would be well served by agreeing with the right for once. Their positions on guns I find unacceptable. Their position on taxes is abhorrent. I could go on and on.

Now that Trump is president, the left is like a screaming banshee caught in the throes of death. They are unwilling to accept that how they feel about him is the exact same way the right felt about Obama, except without all the protests. The right meanwhile loves goading the left without consideration for the "wiseness" of certain actions by Trump. Many of his fans say he's playing 3D chess, constantly trolling and taunting his opponents.

I'm not like that.

I would prefer he take the bull in the china shop approach to making things happen. Stop playing games like a cat would a mouse. Instead tear into the left and the media complex the same way a police dog tears into a fleeing suspect. Stop the tweeting and start the doing.

I have given serious consideration to what I would do within the first days and weeks of a Terence Stamp presidency. This is not a joke list. Perhaps the only thing missing is some of the finer details, but the message is still the same.

  1. Close all military bases overseas. Bring the troops home.

  2. Close all embassies. I am now the ambassador for the United States. Passports would no longer be required of US citizens. If a country will not allow US citizens to arrive because of this, their citizens are no longer allowed entry to the US either.

  3. Immediately cancel every executive order ever issued by any president.

  4. Order the expulsion of the UN. Seize assets totaling all of our historical contributions. Turn the building into housing of some sort.

  5. Siege the IRS, arrest all of its executives, seize their corporate and personal assets, no more income taxes for anyone.

  6. Siege the Federal Reserve, arrest all its executives, seize their corporate and personal assets. The free market will determine interest rates.

  7. Arrest everyone involved in any spy agencies. Seize their corporate and personal assets.

  8. Immediately cancel all foreign aid, especially to Israel.

  9. Arrest every democrat in congress, the leadership of the DNC, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, everyone involved in his administration. Use the CO in RICO against them all. Likely death penalty.

  10. Immediately revoke the press pass for all major media organizations. Arrest their executives and lead reporters, seize all their corporate and personal assets. Revoke their broadcasting license.

  11. Free all incarcerated individuals who committed a "crime" that has no victim.

  12. Remove Sotomayor and Kagan from the Supreme Court due to Obama's lack of legal qualification to be president. Appoint my own nominees.

  13. Immediately institute the folowing qualifications to be able to legally vote: must not be on public assistance, must have a certain intelligence level, must be a property owner.

  14. Shut down all mosques, expel all Muslims from the US, bar their reentry.

  15. Hunt and capture Soros, Rockefellers, and Rothschild familes. Seize all their assets worldwide.

  16. Immediately cease funding for all colleges. They must compete for business.

  17. Order law enforcement/troops to treat social justice warriors as an enemy of the first order with immediate arrest on sight.

  18. Treat black lives matter in pretty much the same manner.

  19. Eliminate all departments of federal government.

  20. Immediately cease paying all federal salaries until we've turned this country around. Cease all payments to all retired personnel such as congressman, senators, presidents, etc.

  21. Quite likely arrest prominent members of the republican party for their dereliction of duty. Arrest the RNC leadership. Seize all their assets.

  22. Reserve the right to add to this list as I see fit. As you can see, what I've described above is nothing less than dictatorial. But its done solely to put the american citizen back to their rightful place as a decent, prosperous, and worthy people. We have tolerated slackness for far too long.

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