Press For Truth on Steemit: So long Shadowban! Smashing The Pyramid One Block At A Time!

in press •  9 years ago  (edited)

It's good to be here and to finally see the free market in action where people get what they actually want! My facebook page quickly grew from 30k to 390k in under 12 months because I was posting a video everyday! About a year ago facebook did a purge of accounts and I went from 390k down to 364k overnight...that's fine, but the problem is that it has remained at the exact same number since then! For over 1 year my account has been locked in at 364k likes gaining no more and no less despite the fact we post daily with a large reach and thousands of shares! I've clearly been shadow banned and am glad to be here on steemit where I can get a true chance at having my audience see my posts forever!
I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes as I am completely independent and require direct support from my viewers. To anyone who up votes thank you so much!!

Check us out here

I've been doing what I do with Press For Truth for 10 years started out as activism, which turned to journalism which evolved into documentary film making and now I run a full time operation based out of Vancouver Canada trying to do everything I possibly can to engage the global elite head on as we enter into the era of the new world order! I want to expose it for what it is...I want to be reporting from the front lines at all times! I want to work for you and together we can continue to smash that pyramid one brick...I mean one block at a time :)

And here's a brief description of what I attempted to do with Patreon in a similar fashion...hopefully steemit will be the answer

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Thanks Jeff!

👍great post

Who is the real Dan Dicks anyway and how is he important?

Check out Press For Truth on Youtube. I watch it all the time. Dan and a few others challenge the establishment and have to deal with threats and harassment from cops and other shills of the elite. They are the real men, it takes a lot of guts to do what they do. The rest of the so called men in this world could take a lesson from them. It takes more than a just cock to be a man.

yes i remember seeing him being arrested for filming at the some establishment event in Canada !! Was pretty HEAVY to watch !! He is one of the goad guys in this movement for Truth and disenslavement from.......we lll know who !! ; - )

He's the Press for Truth guy!


  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Thanks for taking the time to vouch for him. It's great to see a new variety of users and topics.

I saw your post Vigilante great pic with the tape and cigarette ! I got a great laugh out of it! Looking forward to hearing more from you! Cheers


Never even thought of that! I am new to Steemit. Good to know this is the verified Dan.

I thank you and Luke and Corbettreport for showing me this site! Looking forward to getting more of your content without censorship in comments (fingers crossed)!

Welcome to steemit Dan! You will love it here!

Welcome Dan!
As a long time reddit member, I agree how censoring the shadowbans are, and what happened on r/bitcoin is ridiculous, in my opinion.

I know you will enjoy Steemit so much more than other platforms!

welcome to steemit, hope you have better luck here........i have a feeling you will : )

Dan, thanks for this post and your Game Changer video on You Tube. I'm new here and trying to get a grasp on all of the facets of SteemIt and I have been building pages, running like campaigns and spending money on Facebook ads with dismal results. It is becoming clearer that my time will be better spent here. Thanks again and good luck with your work and your new studio!

I found out about Steemit from watching one of your videos. I recently joined, and will soon post content. I have a lot of extraordinary true stories to share. Your bravery has inspired me. Thank you.

Hey Dan great to see you expanding with a studio in Vancouver! Soon you'll be the Alex Jones of Canada ;)

For those of you that haven't seen Dan's documentaries here's a link to the one of the soundtrack for "United We Fall":

Another of my faves lured into the swirling clouds of steem :P

Yeeeeah!!! Press for truth!!! Now all my favorite youtubers are here! Jeff, Dan, and Luke!

Glad your here! Following for Truth. Thanks!


Welcome to the party Dan. I can sympathize with the shadow ban BS, as I have had 119 Reddit accounts banned. But that's what trouble makers do...tell the truth no matter what.

Why would you have that many accounts in the first place?

Yes, if YouTube is going to demonetize all of our commercial stuff, and twitter is shadow banning our tweets, and FaceBook is shadow banning our posts, this is the end result, a new solution. Check out my videos on here, we cover a lot of the same type of information.

Awesome! Glad to see that you're over here on Steemit now too! I've been subscribed to you on YouTube for quite awhile now... I was brought here by Luke Rudkowski's video and I think that this platform is pretty dang sweet. Anyway, good luck on here! I'm following ya!

now we need infowars and many many more of our best honest media alternative news sites to get on board!!

Hey Dan! Good to see you here.

Great work man! Keep it up. I enjoyed your stuff at the Bilderberg meeting this year. It was fun to watch, I liked the joyful attitude.

Welcome on board Dan, it's great to have you here!

Your interview with @lily-da-vine was fantastic. I'm embarrassed by how little of your work I've seen (my own fault). The hassle you & your compadres received at Bilderberg was totally worth it - that got MSM coverage in the UK even when the event itself didn't!

Welcome. Good luck :)

Keep it coming brother.

Glad to see you here Dan! This is a hell of an online revolution right here. There's no saying what it could lead to! :)
Make sure to follow me! :P

Nice article Dan, TPTB are hard to defeat, but they will erode away like the sea erodes the rocks. Step by step, every new invention like steemit will bring us closer to freedom.

I love your work Dan, glad you're here!

Welcome Dan! I was wondering when you would ahow up on here 😀. Love your work!

I avoid the MSM like the plague and the news most days. Some interesting articles on your site, I'll have to keep reading. Welcome!

Brilliant to see you here Dan....good to see another way for you and Luke to raise funds...happy for you both - keep it up!

Welcome! Great to have you hear and looking forward to seeing your content!

Upvoted because you so clearly rock. I know how terrifying it can be to throw all of your weight behind something, not knowing how well it will go, but knowing in your heart that it's what you've got to do anyway.

Good luck!

I can't believe Facebook plays dirty like that!

Thank you to Dan Dicks for showing me this site!

Cheers for informing us about this site on your YouTube, subbed on here.

Thanks Dan! Found Steemit because of your Youtube video! Love what is going on here. Hope it catches on.

I love your work. Your doing a great job.

Thank you for being here D.

I have a strong feeling Steemit will be the answer for you Dan. Your existing social media followers will be able to support you in here - just by helping to spread the word that your content is not shadowbanable in here ;-)

Welcome and good luck!

Watched your video on YouTube yesterday and promised to follow you here - your video made it so easy to understand what Steemit is - thank you for the video.

Just joined Steemit. I have been following you Dan since the G20 protests in Canada 2010. Fellow Canuck here. Keep up the great work!

Thank you for your explanation video. :)
Good content should be valued!

Hi Dan. Thanks for introducing me to this site with your latest video. I'm hoping that Steemit stays as non toxic as Facebook has got recently.

@pressfortruth your "Let the Battle Begin" clip is so helpful! You convinced me to join and I have been sharing your clip with everyone! 😊 Thanks for helping!

Thanks Dan for helping me find you on steemit. I am a long time follower on FB and enjoy your work. I wish you a successful steemit future!

Welcome to Steemit, Dan!

Of course America, will go back on their word and what happen to Libya, should of been enough proof.

OUT of the goo-lag! My super tame channel about healthy diet and lifestyle gets all new videos demonetized, the youtube algorithms are brutal. Thanks for the extra push to move towards something better, trying to figure out this Steemit and you definitely influenced me to finally make an account. Thanks Dan.

DD is the man! I watch PFT on a regular and I truly appreciate what you do. I'm also in Van and now on Steemit because of you. Keep it up!

Helping everyone make a little profit!

Great to see you here on steemit. Keep up the good work.