Electronic crime, cyber crime or cyber crime, refers to any criminal activity in which a computer is used and the use of modern means of communication such as the Internet connection. It is a violation committed against individuals or groups with criminal motives and the intention to harm the reputation of the victim or extortion, kidnapping, sexual exploitation, bank fraud and other That is a crime ...
It is usually carried out by professional criminals using advanced technologies or organized organizations and institutions, and sometimes by novice infiltrator criminals.
The first appearance of cybercrime was since the beginning of the use of computers in the beginning of the sixties and was represented in the manipulation and destruction of data, and the question at that time was about what these crimes were just a passing phenomenon or a new criminal phenomenon, then moved in a second stage in the eighties to the operations of intrusions into the computer system remotely and the activities of publishing And the planting of electronic viruses that destroy files in most cases for serious criminal purposes, such as seizing money, espionage, or seizing confidential data, or a desire to bypass information security and to show technical superiority.
With the beginning of the nineties to the present day, these crimes witnessed a great growth and a change in their scope and concept, due to the spread of the Internet and the facilitation of the operations of entering systems and breaking into the information network and penetration.
Cybercrime is not limited to individuals or groups, but may extend to countries to include cyber espionage.
How to face these crimes and prevent them?
The efficacy of the means to confront these crimes lies first in educating individuals about their seriousness and the extent of their impact on societies and their damage to personal and institutional security, and the media has a great role in spreading this awareness at the level of individuals, but at the level of states and security institutions, it is important to set laws and deterrent penalties for perpetrators of information crimes. , In order to limit its spread and also by developing methods and means to accurately track and catch the perpetrators of cyber crimes.
On the individual level, the means of protection vary, including keeping programs and operating systems up-to-date, using anti-virus programs and keeping them updated to avoid any penetration. Clicking on links in spam emails or other messages or unfamiliar websites is another way for people to fall victim to cybercrime.
In your opinion, are these means sufficient to confront these intercontinental crimes?
Where is the role of Arab developers and technicians in curbing these crimes and protecting Arab societies from hackers?