
in primal-therapy •  7 years ago 

The present mainstram picture of Primal Therapy has almost nothing to do with reality. 

The context is Arthur Janovs death and the importance of Primal Therapy (Arthur Janov (AJ) was the founder of both The Primal Institute and The Primal Center). 

On the Primal Institute website right now: Truth has its life of its own and some ideas have a longer gestation period before widespread acceptance. For me thats a beutiful way to put it. But on the other hand:  How much happened between 1980 and 2017 in terms of general population knowhow about Primal Therapy? 

I would say almost nothing and I certainly do'nt find that OK, as I think Janovs invention (Primal Therapy) is the most important in human history. How could something be more important than cures of most depression, most mental illness???? I did not say that mistakes were not done, I did not say that it is easy or cures all, but still: The present mainstram picture of Primal Therapy has almost nothing to do with reality!   I never saw one single positive newspaperarticle about Primal Therapy. Yet I know at least 40 people who benefited a lot from Primal Therapy. It saved the life for some of them. So we dont get a representation of reality in mainstream media. Why and what to do?  

In my (Masters Degree) University Education in Psychology, there were 3 pages about "the new feelingtherapies", bashing Primal Therapy in general terms, obviously without even taking a look at all the information from Art Janov. I knew the writer, he was also a professor, "teaching" me. It really remainded me about Orwells book "1984" and "the ministries of truth". What happened was that the nonsens-writing/teaching professor forced me to repeat his disinformation - that is - if I wanted my degreee! Reality is that the professor did not have a clue about what primal therapy was. Still he wrote about it in a book, that was University-litterature of choice. The case reports he mentioned in his book were highly  misrepresented (I knew 2 of the 4 interviewd people personally). So this University-education of psychologists do not in the slightest way represent reality, concerning Primal Therapy. In fact I think it represents highly criminal brainwashing dis-information (sponsored by tax and foundation money) leading to many, many unneccesary deaths. Further: What is tought by professors in Universities is what you will read in mainstream media.

Later when I read G Edward Griffins "A world without Cancer" I understood that this state of affairs is quite general and worldwide. What is tought in the mainstream western world of medicin and psychiatry/psychology is basically what the large US Foundations (Rockefeller- , Carnegie-, Ford-Foundations, Gates and many other) accept as politically correct. 

The effective (almost for free) cancer-cures (97 % or so) like Amygdalin in Apricot/Apple-seeds, have not been fairly investigated. In my opinion because it takes down a trillion dollar cancer industry. Human lives or suffering are not the important things in the eyes of most of the real decisionmakers. I think, maybe less consciously, the same thing goes for Primal Therapy. It is the solution of most mental illness, but it would take down a trillion dollar industry of talking listening in a friendly way or eating pills (thats psychology and psychiatry in a nutshell).

OK, thats controversial. But you know, how can we even start to solve the problems with depressions, suicides if promising ideas are stopped from even be fairly presented? We are so used to the TV where nobody with a controversial point of view (regardless from subject) is allowed to finish his or her sentence! In fact, the censorship begin long before. Almost nobody with non-mainstream politically opinions will at all be allowed to be seen or heard in TV or big newspapers.  

Primal Therapy was and is not politically correct, it is not what the current establishment wants: AJ wrote and rightfully so: "Shrinks everywhere, forget everything you ever learned!" People witin the  "primal community" are seldom rich, seldom or never have connections to powerful people and are extremely peaceful people.   People witin the  "primal community" are seldom rich, seldom or never have connections to powerful people and are extremely peaceful people.  But that does not get truth out to the general population.

People witin the  "primal community" are seldom rich, seldom or never have connections to powerful people and are extremely peaceful people. Generally, they are the type of people who would give a helping hand. They would not blackmail or threathen or steal from other people. Thats what happens when you have felt the pain of not being loved, of being left, of not being accepted as you were, of being helpless - getting back access to feelings, the most basic instrument for living creatures. 

Some lucky people have great parents, a good pregnancy-period, a good birth and a childhood with lots of bodycontact, security  and love. They dont need therapy, they will have their access to feelings. You just will not want to harm other people, just want to life your life and let others live theirs. And sure, help the affortunate people who REALLY not can support themselves. People witin the primal community are not the guys who fight wars or win anything with violence. But some are ready to give information and support of true science about primal therapy, therapist-educations, etc. 

The present mainstram picture of Primal Therapy has almost nothing to do with reality. My conclusion is that the only possibility for getting truth out and thereby general progress for mankind, is through ALTERNATIVE MEDIA and INTERNET.

AJ was alreade over 80 years old when alternative media became relatively big in the USA. So it was late for him to start to reach out with his message in that way. 

It is time now.

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