Internet sensation Priya Prakash Varrier, who floored people with her cuter-than-cupid expressions, has managed to work her magic on Bollywood producer Karan Johar. If a report in Deccan Chronicle is to be believed, the 18-year-old Malayalam actress has landed a role opposite Ranveer Singh in Rohit Shetty’s upcoming film Simmba.
“The girl's role is not so big in the film. But Priya has become an overnight craze with the wink of an eye. Bollywood is interested in her. And who better equipped to consolidate Priya's supremacy in the virtual world in the arena of cinema than Karan Johar?" a source was quoted as saying by Deccan Chronicle.
Directed by Rohit Shetty and co-produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions, Simmba has been touted as an out-and-out action entertainer starring Ranveer in the lead role of an eccentric cop.
In earlier interviews, Priya Prakash Varrier had claimed to be a major fan of Ranveer Singh. Well, looks like her dream of acting alongside Ranveer is about to be fulfilled and we can’t be more excited for this crackling combination.