Probiotics' role in immune system regulation has been proven, implying a definitive role for probiotics in viral infections. Supplementing with probiotics may help to minimise COVID-19 morbidity and death. Probiotics help reduce cytokine storm by enhancing innate immunity while avoiding the exaggeration of adaptive immunity, which is under pressure to respond fast to the viral onslaught. The reduction of inflammatory cytokine responses by probiotics may reduce the severity and occurrence of ARDS, making probiotics an appealing adjuvant.
Developing viable treatments will have a huge impact on the pandemic's impact on people's lives and economies all across the world. As a result, probiotic supplementation in high-risk and critically ill patients, as well as frontline health workers, may help to reduce infection and flatten the COVID-19 curve. However, there are currently no RCTs that can provide conclusive data. Circumstantial evidence, on the other hand, has supported the hypothesis that probiotic supplementation reduces the severity of COVID-19 reactions, including mortality. Many clinical trials are being conducted throughout the world to determine the effect of probiotics in COVID-19 prevention and treatment.