3 unique cultures in china

in promo-china •  7 years ago  (edited)

1. Virgin boy egg!


have more guts to try a strange culinary? What about the virgin egg boy in China? Of the many culinary freaks that exist in China, this seems the most bizarre. Eggs are ordinary eggs, But how to cook it is unusual. eggs are not cooked in water, virgin boy egg is cooked by using the urine of children. can not imagine how it feels. But certainly, the name of virgin boy egg is taken because the egg is cooked with urine they are still virgin, especially children under the age of 10 years. Then there is the water collected? Water used for cooking this one is collected from elementary schools in China, especially in a city called Dongyang located in Zhejiang Province. Even this culinary was regarded as an ancestral cultural heritage. Not only that, the price of virgin egg boy is also more expensive than ordinary boiled eggs. In addition, for cooking this culinary also takes a longer time, where the eggs are boiled in urine for a whole day. And supposedly, these eggs are beneficial to health. Interested?

2. Birth Permit!


Of course, all already know that China is a country with the largest population of the world. Residents in China are also more than 1 billion. And to regulate the development of population, the Chinese government has an extreme way. Couples in the Chinese state reportedly should not have children in large numbers. So, for every prospective baby, married couples must first obtain permission from the state. The permit must be obtained when the husband and wife want to have a second child. Unfortunately, not everyone will get permission directly from the government. Even in 2013, as many as 28,464 couples who applied for permission to give birth to a second child, only 5,530 of which are allowed. For the record, this figure occurs in Sichuan Province. Suddenly, this policy, of course, raises the pros and cons. And the bad effect, there is a high rate of abortion. Yet whether this has anything to do with the terrible culinary, human baby soup that also exists in China.

3.Everyone is on vacation at the same time!


The majority of Chinese people choose the holidays almost at the same time. And the moment that is often chosen to make a holiday for Chinese citizens is on Chinese New Year celebrations. Even according to a report from CNN, at the celebration of Chinese New Year 2015, as many as 2.8 billion trips made using public transportation. And if taking into account the number of trips made using private vehicles, the figure jumped to 3.7 billion. It only happens within 40 days. No wonder that CNN calls it the largest migration on earth.

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I just found out there's food like that, lol
btw, nice share!

Human baby soup? My god that is cannibalism! I think Chinese people should not agree with that. Has the communism culture disregarded life so much that the most vulnerable ones have become food? I will not want to visit a Nation that eats its children. I have 4 wonderful beautiful children.

Any news from CNN is not true they are the fake news station.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow pee cooked eggs too! Huh, I hear that in India that they drink their pee because it supposedly has so much Vitamins in it. I have not tried to drink any. I think we have the sense of smell to teach us what is good and bad to eat and drink. Do they make cake with poop too? Ha ha

No more China Buffet for me!

This seems the most bizarre right?, But everyone loves his own culture. Peace :)

Lol, I didn't say Human baby soup!