Halo, steemians! Apa kabar malam ini? Semoga pada sehat dan sedang menikmati istirahat malam, ya! Dan malam ini, ketemu lagi sama aku, untuk sebuah info menarik yang dijamin pasti bikin tertarik, deh! Beneran loh. Sini, deh, aku ceritain, yuk!
Masih ingat dengan postinganku yang ini? Bercerita tentang agenda kelas online untuk para blogger yang pernah aku dan Teh @mariska.lubis gelar? Itu loh, yang bertemakan "Mengenal Teknologi Blockchain dan Steemit Platform untuk Pemula".
Yup, berlangsung secara online melalui media whatsapp group, diikuti oleh 98 partisipan (termasuk aku selaku moderator dan initiator, serta Teh @mariska.lubis selaku mentornya.
Jangan ditanya keseruan kami malam itu. Sebuah grup yang isinya para wanita, baik yang emak-emak atau pun nona-nona, semua antusias memperhatikan penjelasan yang disampaikan oleh Teh Mariska. Beliau sengaja memulai penjelasan awal tentang teknologi blockchain, agar para partisipan mendapatkan fondasi dan pijakan yang tepat. Barulah kemudian menjelaskan tentang sisi positif steemit platform, manfaat dan how to play with-nya dengan teratur sehingga mudah dipahami.
Hasilnya? Kesemua partisipan antusias untuk segera mendapatkan akun steemit sehingga terjadilah sign up berjamaah pada malam itu. 😁. Ga kesemuanya sih langsung action malam itu, tapi mostly melakukannya, sementara yang tersisa, melakukan upaya sign up sesudahnya.
Grup baru ini tak pernah sepi. Ada saja interaksi di dalamnya. Baik berupa obrolan ringan hingga ke yang lumayan berat, terkait teknologi blockchain, rewards, dan aneka rupa lainnya. Hingga ke keresahan hati para members yang mulai galau karena permohonan akunnya tak kunjung disetujui. Padahal penantian telah memasuki minggu kedua.
Namun hebatnya, di grup ini, teman-teman tuh punya cara tesendiri dalam menghalau galau. Alih-alih larut dalam kegamangan dan ketidaksabaran, mereka justru memanfaatkan waktu dengan mempelajari hal-hal terkait steemit, postingan-postingan di steemit, mengenal para senior melalui googling, berkunjung ke postingan mereka, hingga mempersiapkan artikel-artikel sambil menanti akun disetujui. Jadi nanti, begitu disetujui, mereka tinggal posting draft yang sudah dipersiapkan sebelumnya. Keren, ya?
Dan, akhirnyaaaa..., Mereka pun jadi Steemians!
Yes! Hari yang dinanti pun tiba. Hari ini, satu persatu memberikan laporan melalui WAG, bahwa email yang dinanti telah tiba. Mendarat cantik di dalam inbox mereka. Tak pelak, setelah dinanti sekian lama, justru kehadiran email approval ini membuat sebagian besar dari mereka jadi gugup, takut salah klik dan kehilangan password, saking keramatnya si password steemit. Haha.
Terasa sekali betapa orang-orang yang berada di dalam grup ini saling mendukung. Saling mengingatkan terutama dalam hal saving password si steemit yang puanjang kriwel uwel uwel itu. Ah, sungguh, berada di satu grup bersama kalian, sungguh membahagiakan, teman-teman!
Dan hari ini, kusungguh takjub melihat 28 akun steemit tertera cantik di dalam "List of the Steemit Accounts approved".
- Noormafmz | https://steemit.com/@noormafmz
- Rita Asmaraningsih | https://steemit.com/@asmaraningsih
- Amrih Priutami | https://steemit.com/@amrihpriutami
- Mustikasv | https://steemit.com/@mustikasv
- Ika Candra | https://steemit.com/@ikacandra
- Nopeanti Farmarindia | https://steemit.com/@farmarindya15
- Ophi Ziadah / Tangerang Selatan | https://steemit.com/@ophiziadah
- Zulaeha | https://steemit.com/@zulaehaachmad
- Afifah | https://steemit.com/@afifahmazaya
- Athri Kasih | https://steemit.com/@athrikasih
- Wenny Kumala | https://steemit.com/@wennykt
- Okti Li domisili Cianjur | https://steemit.com/@tehokti
- Tanti Amelia | https://steemit.com/@tantiamelia
- Sofia Sari Dewi | https://steemit.com/@sofiadewi
- Ika Puspita / Semarang |https://steemit.com/@ikapuspita1
- Hanifa | https://steemit.com/@honeyvha22
- Rina - Serang | https://steemit.com/@rina3ana
- Sugi | https://steemit.com/@siswiyantisugi
- Endang Hadiyanti / Pekanbaru | https://steemit.com/@diyanti86
- Firdausiyah | https://steemit.com/@firdausiyah
- Hidayah Qudus Jakarta | https://steemit.com/@hiquds
- Haeriah Syamsuddin | https://steemit.com/@haeriah
- Rahmah | https://steemit.com/@ammachemist
- Vivera Siregar | https://steemit.com/@viverasiregar
- Reni Dwi Astuti | http://steemit.com/@renidwiastuti
- Yuli Astuti | http://steemit.com/@yul14stuti
- Lia djabir | http://steemit.com/@liadjabir
- Gigie Media - Sukabumi | http://steemit.com/@gigiemedia
Selamat datang di samudera steemit, ya, teman-teman! Semoga approval akun ini, menjadi langkah awal bagi teman-teman dalam berkarya dan membukukan sejarah diri dan karya kita di lautan blockchain, yang akan tertinggal abadi, sebagai catatan indah warisan bagi anak cucu kelak, ya! Aamiin. Jangan dulu pikirkan mengejar rewards, karena tiada yang instant di dunia ini, kan?
Anggaplah saja kita sedang menambah properti virtual di ranah maya. Jika selama ini kita memilki rumah maya di blogspot dan/atau wordpress, maka kini kita menambah jumlah properti virtual di ranah steemit. Yeay!! Mari bangun reputasi terlebih dahulu. Mari berproses dan terus berkarya! Yeaayy!!
Ibarat berkebun, jika persiapan lahannya benar, jika penyiapan benihnya tepat, pemeliharaannya cukup dan terawat, pemupukannya sempurna, maka tentu, hasil yang akan dipanen juga berlimpah. Etapi, ga bisa dengan hanya sim salabim, donk!
Teknologi informasi yang kian membumi, adalah sebuah sisi positif yang harus diberdayakan semaksimal mungkin. Menjadikannya sebagai jembatan penghubung dalam menyatukan dan mengumpulkan orang-orang di dalam sebuah wadah tanpa sekat, tanpa pula dihalangi oleh jarak yang begitu jauh membentang.
Promo steem dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Baik secara langsung dengan saling berhadapan (personal maupun berkelompok), hingga secara jarak jauh dengan hanya berkumpul di sebuah ruang maya. Thanks to technology, yang telah menjadikan steemit online class ini berlangsung dengan baik dan sukses.
Well, steemians. Sekian dulu updatenya, ya! Dijamin, aku akan kembali untuk update seru selanjutnya. See you on the next post!
Hello, steemians! Welcome (back) to my page! So glad to meet you here, and for sure, I have a very interesting info to share to you tonight!
Do you remember this post?
Yup. My previous post that talked about the online class we held through the whatsapp messenger, that participated by 98 participants (including Mariska as the mentor and myself as the moderator and initiator).
Most of the participants are female bloggers/vloggers who have a big interest in writing and content creature. That is why, they are very enthusiastic to participate in that first online class. Titled as "The introduction of Blockchain Technology and Steemit Platform for the Beginners", the event run smoothly and successfully attracted the attention of the participants.
The online class run enthusiastically. The participants paid their full attention to Mariska Lubis, who explained about the fundamental of blockchain technology, as well as the steemit platform clearly, so that the participants are acknowledged about the concept of steemit and its steem blockchain. Later on, Mariska was also explained about the benefit of being the content creator on this platform, how to 'play' safely here, in the steemit ocean.
The Q & A session was also run enthusiastically, since the members of the group were feeling very interested in signing up to have the steemit account. Wow! And...? Yes! Most of the members of the group did the sign up process right after the class session completed, and some others in the next days.
This new group is never quite. There is always interaction there which run positively. The discussions are vary, starting from the light one such as the the daily activities, health, up to the steemit and its steem blockchain, etc. Moreover, the topic such as their confusion on why their account were not approved yet, or will it be approved, or how long we have to wait, bla bla bla, raised in the group and showing how big their interest to contribute on this platform.
Waiting is boring. Waiting is wasting time, and waiting is bla bla bla. But, this group is so super. They have another way to anticipate the boring. While awaiting for the steemit account approval, I suggested them to prepare the introduction post, and some others draft of articles, so that, they will be able to right away posting when the account were approved, Wasn't that awesome, steemians? 😊
And...? They become steemians now!
Yes! The waiting time is over! Today, one by one dropped their happy news on the WAG (whatsapp group), said that the account has been approved! Wow! Fantastic! This happy news is contagious. Everyone in the group are happy, include the ones whose accounts are not approve yet. And all of us are hoping that they will be also got the approval ASAP.
But, there are something a bit funny. After waiting for a long time for the approval, this approval then made them nervous! Worrying of wrong clicks and loss of passwords after a long of waiting.
They don't wanna take the risk. That's why, they are waiting for my presence (online) there for guiding them, but since some time I was also busy and were not able to support, then the ones who understood already, will take turn to guide and support others. This is truly awesome! I love this group! Really.
And today, I am so happy to see the 28 of steemit accounts approved and well listed in here.
- Noormafmz | https://steemit.com/@noormafmz
- Rita Asmaraningsih | https://steemit.com/@asmaraningsih
- Amrih Priutami | https://steemit.com/@amrihpriutami
- Mustikasv | https://steemit.com/@mustikasv
- Ika Candra | https://steemit.com/@ikacandra
- Nopeanti Farmarindia | https://steemit.com/@farmarindya15
- Ophi Ziadah / Tangerang Selatan | https://steemit.com/@ophiziadah
- Zulaeha | https://steemit.com/@zulaehaachmad
- Afifah | https://steemit.com/@afifahmazaya
- Athri Kasih | https://steemit.com/@athrikasih
- Wenny Kumala | https://steemit.com/@wennykt
- Okti Li domisili Cianjur | https://steemit.com/@tehokti
- Tanti Amelia | https://steemit.com/@tantiamelia
- Sofia Sari Dewi | https://steemit.com/@sofiadewi
- Ika Puspita / Semarang |https://steemit.com/@ikapuspita1
- Hanifa | https://steemit.com/@honeyvha22
- Rina - Serang | https://steemit.com/@rina3ana
- Sugi | https://steemit.com/@siswiyantisugi
- Endang Hadiyanti / Pekanbaru | https://steemit.com/@diyanti86
- Firdausiyah | https://steemit.com/@firdausiyah
- Hidayah Qudus Jakarta | https://steemit.com/@hiquds
- Haeriah Syamsuddin | https://steemit.com/@haeriah
- Rahmah | https://steemit.com/@ammachemist
- Vivera Siregar | https://steemit.com/@viverasiregar
- Reni Dwi Astuti | http://steemit.com/@renidwiastuti
- Yuli Astuti | http://steemit.com/@yul14stuti
- Lia djabir | http://steemit.com/@liadjabir
- Gigie Media - Sukabumi | http://steemit.com/@gigiemedia
Welcome to the Steemit Ocean, dear friends! Let's be a good steemians, let's surf and enjoy the beautiful wave. Hopefully that this approval will lead you to be a better netizen who will give your best contribution in the internet-spheres, especially in the steemit and steem blockchain. Let's book/memorize our life here, and left it to be read by our grand children. Please, do not think about rewards first, let's build a good reputation, give a good contribution, do our best, as we love to share positive things. Sharing is caring, right?
There is nothing instant, everything need process for a better result. So, let's imagine that we just have a new virtual land on steemit. A land clearing process, of course will be the first step to do. Then plowing, sowing the seeds, and so on. .We need to do the process before the harvest. Don't you agree with that, steemians? 😊
Yup, the point is, we need the process. Let's start buy doing a good quality of content, connect with the community, and support each others.
Thanks to technology, thanks to the great development of information technology. We don't have to be in the same place to have a meeting or discussion. We may stay in our town or area, while others are at their place as well. The technology will be the bridge to connect us for a meeting/discussion or even talk each other while seing each other. Thanks to technology for the video call facility, or others method of communication.
Promo steem is not only can be performed by the direct meeting (in the same room/place/offline event), but is also able to be hold virtually. Thanks to technology whose supporting us for conducting the online class, so we can gather people from various place in a virtual room only. Ah, this is a super way to promo steem. Effective and efficient. Can't wait for the next session of the online class.
Well, steemians. This post has been too long and I am sure that you and I are need a break for a while. So, see you on the next post, ya! Hope this excitement also make you excited to update your blog. Let's do it, steemians!
Al, Bandung, 9 June 2018
✅Welcome to the club all new Steemian’s, mari kita sebarkan kegembiraan via media sosial yang sangat istimewa ini.
Saya punya sedikit TIps here yang mungkin bisa dipakai. My best regard
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Thanks Sir @jkfarza
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Waah thx infonya @jkfarza
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Hebat sekali kak alaika, selamat datang semua..
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Makasih @rikanurrizki salam kenal
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Keren mbak, bertambah banyak kawan steemian deh. Bayangkan kalau mereka nanti besar semua SP-nya, pasti semakin indah ceritanya.
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Hey Al - what a truly brilliant update. Thank you so much to both you and @mariska.lubis - not only is this a great promo-steem initiative/idea but this has been executed superbly with great results. I look forward meeting all the new steemians in time and wish them all the best on their new journey on Steemit! Best Wishes @CryptoCurator
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Hi, @cryptocurator
Thanks for your warm welcoming to us as New Steemian...
Wish I could get more knowledge about how to be good Steemian soon
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Hi... Nice to follow you @cryptocurator :)
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Thanks @cryptocurator wish me best luck in my new steemit journey
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Yeayy...thanks ka Al n ka Mariska tuk ilmunya. I'm so excited but nervous too. But you guys rock me..Thanks steemit.. I'm steemian now.. 😍😍
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Hai kak Al, glad to read this nice article...
I'm so happy being a part of steemians ❤
Thanks a billion for Ka Al and ka Mariska 😉
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Senang menjadi bagian nya. Terimakasih
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Ini keren
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Waaaw! Ramenya Kak Al! Seruuu bangeet! Yang baca ikutan euforia. Selamat datang para Steemian!
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Menambah temen di ranah Maya...oh MG namaku slalu ke bawa bawa yaaach 😂😂😂😂😂
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Kakak @alaikaabdullah memang Luar biasa.
Selamat datang untuk semua rekan2 yang bary berlabuh di Steemit.
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Makasih mba @ettydiallova salam kenal
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Yeay. I am really excited when getting notification from my email.
Wish me luck as Steemian of Surabaya
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Aaaakk terasa disambut sebagai keluarga baru. Senangnyaa, semangat semua teman-teman :)
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Terima kasih atas penyambutannya mbak @alaikaabdullah, dan terima kasih juga atas ilmu dan bimbingannya selama di WAG, bersama dengan mbak @mariska.lubis tentunya 🤗.
Saya, Endang dari Pekanbaru InshaAllah siap meramaikan ranah Steemit 😘😇🙏🏻
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Bravo, CK dan tim luar biasa. Bangga!
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Wah ka @alaikaabdullah keren sangat.
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mantap mbak...tetap semangat dan tetap jalan-jalan serta makan-makan
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Selamat bergabung semuanya dan selamat bersenang-senang. Jangan segan untuk bertanya kepada siapa saja jika ada yang kurang paham dan kurang jelas. Di sini banyak sekali juga program dan project serta kontes2 yg bisa diikuti. Sukses selalu untuk semua dan thanks buat kak @alaikaabdullah... Kita lanjut lagi yuk!
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Wiiih semakin ramai nih. Keren Bunda @alaikaabdullah nih membawa pasukan 💪💪💪
Sukses ya untuk para new member
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Saya sempat merasa dag dig dug saat menantikan password, lalu ketika sudah dapat password saya simpan password di tempat yang aman baru deh lega rasanya..hehe
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Makasih mba @alaikaabdullah seneng banget jadi bagian keseruan. Ini
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Luar biasa kak @alaikaabdullah, yang penting harus komitmen dan tidak rapuh kalau tidak ada yang melirik, selamat datang pendatang baru, selamat berlabuh di lautan steemit
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Seru banget mba.
Alhamdulillah akhirnya akun saya di approve juga.
Tinggal buat first post ^^
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