My thoughts on the London Cryptocurrency Show - What happened and what we achieved!!!

in promo-steem •  6 years ago  (edited)

my thoughts about the london cryptocurrency show.jpg

I wanted to put some thoughts down about the London Cryptocurrency Show, and what I experienced there.

As you may know, we have been planning this show for some time, and I have to tell you, the sheer amount of work that has gone into it is unbelievable.

Because I was so busy all day at the show (I was speaking on different stages for over 3 hours during the day), I didn't get to take many pictures or videos of my own. I am awaiting getting footage from our brilliant pro-photography team (more about them later in this post), so some of the other attendees have kindly given me some of their pictures to use. I have also put a list of brilliant blogs at the end....please go have a look and upvote them!

1500 investors/crypto-enthusiasts learned about the STEEM blockchain

Although we didn't get the final numbers from the organisers yet, the reception staff seemed to think we were looking at about 1500 people who came through the doors of the show. There was a nice mix of people present, some who were crypto-newbies looking to find out about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and some who were old hands.

We also met, and got to speak to some seriously brilliant people in the blockchain sphere, from developers, to thought leaders and more besides. We have made amazing contacts with people from across the world, and there are literally too many to mention here, but a big shout out to Bjorn, Arne, Alex, Glen and Ralph. All very very interesting people who I will be keeping in touch with, and who found what we had to say fascinating!

The STEEM Stand

The centrepiece of the exhibition, designed by the incredibly talented @creatocracy (with the tokens wall on the right designed by @starkerz) the STEEM STAND looked amazing!!!

before and after.jpg

Click for a hilarious video of us (trying) to put up the STEEM Stand (video made by @adetorrent)

Presenting the STEEM blockchain, and some TRULY AWESOME PROJECTS

So, the day of the show was finally upon us, and I had the pleasure of presenting about the STEEM Blockchain on the main Showcase Theatre stage, right in the middle of the exhibition floor!

I spoke about 10 great reasons why you should become a platform user and/or investor in the STEEM blockchain, focussing especially on giving motivation to investors, application developers and of course content creators to come and take a look.

Whilst the full pro video is being produced, here is a live feed filmed by @wehmoen from #Utopian: (talk begins around 11mins30)

We had a few technical issues at the beginning of the presentation, mainly because we had not had the opportunity to do a laptop test to start with. However, the AV guys there were awesome, and they did everything they could to help.

I was so pleased to be able to introduce the following speakers from their respective projects:

cryptoshow projects.jpg

Representing @utopian-io we had @techslut speaking, along with the hilarious @wehmoen and the CEO, the brilliant @elear. Utopian also kindly onboarded a number of new users onto the platform and provided the delegations of SP for each of them. Thanks guys!!

From @esteem, we were joined by the very cool @dunsky, a proper top bloke.

The @steempress guys @howo and @frederikaa were there, and did a great presentation on how they are bringing the blockchain to Wordpress sites. We spent a lot of time with these guys, and had a lovely full English breakfast with them the following morning!

No presentation would be complete without the lovely @allasyummyfood, who looked dazzling in STEEM blue!

Unfortunately the legendary @ejemai was not able to make it from Nigeria, as his VISA was declined by the British border control office. The useless bastards. However, I was able to present about @stach on his behalf.

And finally, and I couldn't believe this...halfway through, @mrs.steemit rocked up. She'd just flown in with her team from Los Angeles, and we happily managed to make room to get her on to present. She is very slick, just like the whole @appics project!

Moderating on the Main Auditorium Stage

Both myself and @starkerz spent a good couple of hours each moderating live question and answer sessions on the main stage. I'm not sure the event organisers were thinking straight when I got assigned one of mine.... I mean, who lets an anarchist moderate a panel talking about government regulation of cryptos...? Are they quite mad? Still, I (sort of) behaved myself.
trading cryptocurrencies - anarcotech main stage at the london cryptocurrency show 2018.jpg

A team of amazing voluntaryists

What is awesome, and something that blew a lot of the visitors away was the team of voluntaryists that came along to lend their support. This included our amazing photography team of @ashtv and @rod.crisafulli, but also some folks who just got stuck in to help with putting up the stand, talking to visitors, even fetching food and water.

I'd like to give a massive shout out to each and every one of them:

@adetorrent, @allasyummyfood, @anarcotech, @ashtv, @black-man, @breadcentric, @buttpacker (both cheeks), @colossus39, , @cryptocurator, @dannyshine, @dunsky, @elear, @eroche, @exyle, @ezzy, @fredrikaa, @gillianpearce, @gisi, @hellouni, @hotmangoes, @howo, @ingaaa, @ivargereiko, @justyy, @lisadang, @lloyddavis, @marczanto, @mrs.steemit, @nanzo-scoop, @neopch, @rea, @redrica, @rod.crisafulli, @roelandp, @roxane, @simonjay, @soldier, @starkerz, @steevc, @stephenkendal, @techslut, @thehipsterguru, @ultravioletmag, @ura-soul, @wehmoen
(thanks cryptocurator for the full list)

What we achieved

The main thing for me was that we proved a number of things. Not only do we have the biggest, fastest, completely free and accessible blockchain, with some of the worlds best projects, but we also have a serious community behind it. All of the other stands were promoting a product, or a concept. But not us...we were promoting something that already is number one, and has the most incredible community behind it.....some of whom are frankly absolutely crazy (I'm looking at you @redrica).

We spoke to some potentially huge investors, and we are going to be following each and every one of them up.

And we put on a show that nobody can ignore. STEEM rocked at the London Cryptoshow, with almost 50 Steemers from around the world, from far-away lands such as the USA, Israel, Ghana, France, German, Poland and Russia.

In fact, this get together was to my knowledge one of the biggest international meetups of Steemians since @Steemfest.


My co-conspiritors, my friends, my team.

The legends that are @starkerz and @stephenkendal.

Guys, thank you so much for being part of something so special with me! It was emotional, sometimes a rollercoaster of states, a lot of time, money and energy invested.....but what an amazing event!!!!

starkerz and stephenkendal.jpg

Some of the VLogs from people who were at the show. Please give these guys a visit and a bit of love

main photo credit - @colossus39

Anarcotech xxx

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Was such an amazing experience @anarcotech. You guys really deserved one of the very rare 100% Utopian upvote. Enjoy! Hopefully we will have so many other chances to meet in the very near future.

Awesome to get such recognition!!

Hi @starkerz ! I am really glad @elear could make it there and that the experience was amazing! Congratulations for everything the #promo-steem is accomplishing!

Regards, @gold84

Thanks to u for all ur help also @gold84

You are welcome! Although I was not there, my support is with #promo-steem !
Regards, @gold84

why do you get nothing

It's good to see that the industry didn't collapse after the correction and moved on. Maybe we'll reach 4-5$ levels in near future. I sure hope we will.

I Am more greedy and wish to see 20 $ in 2018 lol

That's hardly realistic, unless STINC finally gets their shit together and solves numerous problems, that hold steemit back. I don't even wanna go into this again, everybody can name a couple of those.

What problems hold Steem back?
Thanks for enlightening 🙏🏼


Trash on trending, voting bots, whale abuse to name a few.

@nameless-berk indeed the challenges can only be dealt with along the way. Some problems and challenges are better seen and felt than predicted. Believe me, steemit will edge-out all of these hard-to-sustain cryptocurrency. If we live by it, we will see it flourish into the future.

Thank you so much dude. Having you there was incredible. I look forward to seeing you again many times!

Much love to you and the whole gang. x

i read ur all post line by line, u capture the whole picture in a very good manner with picture stories, i felt my self there. what u analyse about the steem value in near future?

Indeed @anarcotech !

When I connected with @elear in the first messages here and saw a video he made saying: I am @utopian , perhaps the first time he mentioned in public on the blockchain he was Diego, and listen to what he said about steve jobs and his famous phrase: if we are crazy enough to think we can change the world, we will end up doing it, I understood his vision, and his desire to change the way things happen with the current system, and his search to make the world a better place for everyone. This are also my thoughts and desire, to see a world with more justice and real opportunities for everyone!

Regards, @gold84

Mine also @gold84! Thanks for all your support. You are one of the great Promo-steemers with your works, and we always enjoy your posts.

same same...step by step we'll get there!^^


Correct , that's good !

Wow, that's great and kind of you @elear. Truly, the tea deserve it! Thanks a bunch!

Great to see this happening @elear ! Hope we can get the word on #promo-steem to @ned so we can a bit more delegation for this amazing project!

Regards, @gold84

First post on the trending since 2 days. I am sure Ned has noticed already :) For sure not my last attempt!

Hi @elear ! I know, great achievement! Really appreciate that one.

Hopefully we can hear something from @ned , a small SP delegation would mean huge for the entire project! That would mean, I like the project, keep going!

Regards, @gold84

I did not ask you your thoughts on the completed 10 chapters full steemit guide (I mentioned @utopian-io and wrote about it in several chapters)!

I was expecting a rear vote from @utopian-io on that one! Just Joking! In any case its not possible because the 7 days have passed.

Would be great to get your feedback on that one!

Regards, @gold84

You're awesome :)

Great !!!

Wow this is awsome

Greetings from @ayahlistic

vote, good


Every time there is something new that revolutionizes the way people see the world, there is going to be some backlash. I don't remember what the name of the person was, but there's a story that the person who created the device that allows people to communicate over radio frequencies was told to go to a mental asylum by his friends because they didn't believe it was possible. There will alwyas be backlash until the revolution is seen as "normal" and accepted by others. Crypto won't really be accepted as "normal", in my opinion, until big corporations and companies accept it. But then again, crypto is disrupting their playing field. So it may be difficult for that to happen since they have so much power.

@elear hopefully we will havo so mamy channels to meet in the very near future. your talk good.

plzzz i am new here i need support plz upvote my post and follow me

This is one of a kind event that every steemian would remember especially to those who put their effort to visit the place. Steem is a very unique blockcgain with a very solid community behind it and all this developers who put their time and energy for improvement. We know, we are still far from perfection but together with our effort and loving community we can be someday be number 1 crypto. Thanks posting it @anarcotech

good job @anarcotech, another great events that will benefit our community, this will attract more users and developers to participate the the community, once again thank you and keep up the good work brother. :)

your gila

Thanks again to all who made this such a great experience. Maybe we can have a delegated fund from Steemit Inc. to further support such activity as I feel it goes a long way to promote the platform in some important ways.

What are your thoughts @ned & @andrarchy?

Does the @budgets project cover this type of thing?

That’s helarios !

Hi @ura-soul ! I totally thought the same as you. I made a post giving thanks to #promo-steem for all the hard work, and finished with a message to @ned and steemit. Looking forward to your thoughts!

[Why Steem is the Best Blockchain in the World - How the London Crypto Show Presentations Unveil it - Thanks #Promo-Steem for your Hard Work](Why Steem is the Best Blockchain in the World - How the London Crypto Show Presentations Unveil it - Thanks #Promo-Steem for your Hard Work)

Regards, @gold84

good luck getting an answer @ura-soul, Steemit Inc is MIA. But I don't know you could try the holy word SMT and they might magically show up again... ;)

It’s really amazing to see how our steem community has such dedicated smart people @anarcotech

Whoa, that was truly awesome bro! It will have a positive impact to the community.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Very well done by the community. This gives a little hope, compared to the official Steemit booth at the Blockshow Europe in April 2017 in Munich.


At least there were free Witness Signing pens for everyone.

Representing @utopian-io we had @techslut speaking

I love this one. I wonder if the username was spoken aloud and whether it cause the audience to cackle.

Yep agree

very cool

Very cool post! Upvoted and followed!

Hi Dylan
I've finally managed to get round to getting my Steemit account up and running.
I had a great time at the show, and it thoroughly enjoyed chatting to you while you got your tobacco hit, out the back. I don't want to sound to +ve/west coast 'awesome', but you and the steemit people are accessible, friendly, and very generous with your time to talk to anyone , like myself, coming to this new. I still have to get my head around it, but the possibilities to really impact the world which you're already doing are pretty exciting.
This is quite different from presenters at run of the mill events who don't really want to engage with the public much. You guys really LIVE and breath what you talk about. I think you see yourselves as part of, you know, the public, and human race, which is re fresh ing
I'm very interested in the existential issue of crypto and coin prices and the dichotomy around that, and enjoyed talking about that. It would be great to hear that discussed a bit more. i.e. crypto platforms are about decentralisation and utility, and changing the world.....versus....crypto is about nothing except moonshoots and making a fast buck
I'm glad I've discovered this now, and I'll be posting mid life blah on this that and the other.
Looking forward to the next event, whenever that is. Thanks again.
P.S. Shout out to the binfinex guy, Elia Yousif, on their stand as well, who was very knowledgeable and patient too...I do talk a lot and ask too many questions

Hey man. Great to see you here. I hope you enjoy it, and you find a whole new world of possibilities on the blockchain. Was great to see you at the show too, and thanks for spending the time to come and talk with me about what you were up to, and to listen to me ramble on about STEEM! :)

It was a pleasure. You should bottle that ramble and give it to the world......oh, wait, you're doing that on STEEM, so job done!
Thanks, and I'm looking forward to hearing more.
What's clear in your head was a bit of a fog to me, so I need to spend some time on this to lift that fog.
I'm also going to push at the school I'm involved with to see if I can get the pupils, at least starting with the IT students, to start on Steemit.
It seems like a no brainer way to have them on a safer social media platform, start to get comfortable with blockchain, and also get a feel for the VALUE of content and data.

what an innovative initiation from london crypto currencies team.thanks the entire team.really every steemians will be benefited form this.

SO MUCH love for this.

Great stuff on the day ash! Thanks! I can’t wait to publicise and spread ur final edits through the community!

I haven't managed to track you down in the end. Hope the bread reached you :)

Heheheh! I know! There were a few steemians I wanted to meet but just didn’t have time to find! Sorry about that! Now I’m going to have to track u down for some of that bread!!

The community is waiting in earnest. Thanks you guys for such a great show and 100% representation of our dear steem. Bless you!

Thanks man!

Dude. We literally blew made up that you were there to archive it. Let's have a chat weds, and get the kids together for a play?

Deffo chat on Weds. Seems I'm child free on that day too though.. so I'll make use of my time with a spot of video editing I think. Sorry to miss out of kids playtime, always ace fun!

Cool dude. Speak then. Have to arrange one for A+T to have a play together another time.

Nice London cryptocurrency.The great post @anarcotech.

we are planning to meet in our city.

Would love to first say, well done. Victory at last, and the efforts paid off.
Massive thanks and respect to you, for presenting on behalf of @stach. It's painful @ejemai couldn't make it down. Thank you for being so helpful and amazing. I knew your little girl has a gem in you, for a father.
Well done sir. You are amazing.

I was gutted that he couldnt make it too. But it was a massive honour for me to speak about STACH and what it's all about. I think it's one of the most incredible projects on the blockchain personally. Thank you for your support....I really appreciate your follow, you always make such wonderful comments man. Cheers.

I am glad to hear this. It means a lot to me. Thanks sir.
Yes, @stach is really promising and really huge. Thank you for always being there sir. Massive respect for you.

Amazing. You killed it with the zig-zag photo alignment bro!! Epic day.

Cheers buddy. Your help and support was amazing. It was so good to meet you. Next time I'm in London, lets hook up bro.

Let's do it!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Nice one Dylan! You surely did keep kicking ass. I think they’re should b a new category of steemian called steem rockstar

I'll thrash it out on guitar. You sing....oh hang on, actually i've seen you sing on @anomadsoul's video! Ok, you play drums then...cos basically this gig was blazing...and you were the one who kept the beat going behind it all. Thanks bro! x


Every community needs an ANARCOTECH.........well done you absolutely nailed it on the day and the community just has to reward this outstanding achievement. Proud of you dude!!

Thanks mate. COuldnt have done it without you though.

fantabulous work you guys !! you literally rocked the show !

Great to hear that you watched the live streams!!

Thanks man. It was such an amazing day! We've had so much support from all around the world, it's insane. Thanks to everyone who has made it a huge event!

@anarcotech thanks to your post which made us to relive that moment. Guess, now steemit and @utopian-io gets much good investors. Among the blockchains that we have seen by far, steem is the best.

Great post, just upvoted you. That conference must have really put a stand on steem

Thanks mate. It was brilliant. A huge amount of work and it took us around 9 weeks to bring it all together, but it was an amazing experience.

Well done, Bro. I'm sure the effort was well worth it.

Great post @anarcotech. It was such a pleasure to hang out with you in the evening. Well done on doing such a brilliant job alongside @starkerz and @stephenkendal.

We spoke to some potentially huge investors, and we are going to be following each and every one of them up.

I'm so glad that you got this great result for yourselves and the community at large.

Thank you for all you've done so far. Looking forward to what comes next! 😍

Lots more to come. Thanks so much for coming, it was really lovely to chat to you!

@anarcotech Im ashamed to deliver this report but i want your opinion on this matter its about our mall event.

You guys did a stunning job in putting together the standard and speakers. It looks like the whole show wouldn't have happened without you. The turnout by the community must have given you a boost on the day. It was great to meet you all and I'll do my best to get to other events. Thanks again

this is really amazing event for the steemians. It is a pride for us that in steem community there have such a great people who give their effort to improve this platform. thanks to share this with all.

que experiencia tan emocionante, gracias por compartirla y por la pasión por promocionar a STEEMIT. Todos estuvimos muy bien representados por todos los que acudieron al evento. Gracias.

asi es muy buena, muy interesante

hay gaes your is very very mantap

nice one

good experiment

There was a nice mix of people present, some who were crypto-newbies looking to find out about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and some who were old hands.

We also met, and got to speak to some seriously brilliant people in the blockchain sphere, from developers, to thought leaders and more besides. We have made amazing contacts with people from across the world, and there are literally too many to mention here, but a big shout out to Bjorn, Arne, Alex, Glen and Ralph. All very very interesting people who I will be keeping in touch with, and who found what we had to say fascinating!

Great.Thanks a lot to sharing a good things.

thanks mehn


This is HUGE! Thank you so much for sharing this experience with us. I am eager to attend some events this year related to cryptocurrency and the use of blockchain technology. It's great to see such a sizable turnout of motivated and intelligent people with a common goal. This goes to show you that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are here to stay! Thanks again. -Respect


Great recognition

Thank Your for Your effort to organize event like this. Great to be a part of Blockchain Social Media Revolution! :)

Man, you're videos were awesome. Thank YOU for being such a special part of it, and documenting so much for everyone to see. Our community of voluntaryists is truly something special.

I will try to do my best for another events within UK. You can count on me. Will invest to a better equipment as well :)

Great works.

It's good to know that you guys are promoting the Steem block chain and taking it to a whole different level. Steemit community rocks!

wow this is amazing. am happy all the effort put into it birth the desired success. steemit is the best place to be. we taking over the world.

And am sorry at @ejemai's visa denial. #deepsigh

well, i hope to be in the next get to work now. thanks for bringing me the news. even though i couldn't stream it.

sir Dylan @anarcotech, may i post your post and i translate your post into indonesian language. I tell my friends they are very interested. sorry if i'm impolite, thanks

Hello. Yes, please do feel free to translate into indonesian. Thank you.

Terrific event @anarcotech Glad your glad you guys presentation turned out well and that all your dreams are seemed to be coming to fruition. Glad that perhaps i'll have a tiny bit of slice from it, hopefully...eventually.. Startruck by your ingenius ideas. Thanks and Keep sharing.


Your post is very good!

Now look me in the eye and Follow Me @cryptopay-blogYour post is very good

That was awesome dylan @anarcotech, you did a great and huge work in promoting steemit to the world, I realy appreciate it...

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Awesome article, keep doing your amazing content

Magnificent to get such acknowledgment!!

Great!! Awesome!!
Keep it up!!

Nice one

very nice coverage @anarcotech. It seems like the way the community and the team behind steemit is working it would be the one of the world's best platform for people to express their views and their voice is being heard by masses.Good luck

Muchas gracias, estaré pendiente a los próximos, saludos.

Congratz for everything @anarcotech, you are so Amazing, inspiring one to make this happen also in My country someday :D

quite a whose who of the steemit community. its good steemit go so much exposure. lets hope that it translates in more investors and contributors.

You are really very rare! Hopefully we will have many more opportunities in the near future.
You were incredible
Thank you very much ..

Hello @anarcotech

This is impressive Performance. The various pictures and their accompanying video are quite a great evidence of splendid by trio of you: @stephenkendal @starkerz and yourself. We, members of steem community are proud of you guys for this great expo of our dear community. Thank you guys and may God bless you richly.

@eurogee of @euronation community

It would be better to say first, good work. Finally victory, and off of the effort.
Thank you very much for your presentation from @tract. It's not going to be painful @Ijemai. Thank you so much for being helpful and amazing.
Well done sir you are awesome

Excellent work. Like that. thank you for sharing us.

Great!!! Next show will not have any technical issues

Thanks a lot for your valuable information.

What a round up ! Great meeting you and Steve, and of course the rest of the gang. Ironically, we were a bit late due to working until 5 am on one of our recent posts on steemit :D But we made it and it was an absolute delight being a part ! Looking forward to more meetings and exciting new initiatives ! P.S I can hook you up with some pics from the show, let us know !

I think there were lots of very interesting people on that crypto show. Lucky for those who attended it.

I can absolutely tell you there were some AMAZINGLY interesting people. A lot of them were behind the scenes too. Personally, I thought @wehmoen was one of the smartest and funniest guys I've met in a long time. @techslut and @redrica are totally bonkers, and I love them both dearly! @frederikaa and @howo are two very cool guys, and I enjoyed their company a lot. @colossus39 is cool as fuck, and @adytorrent, well he's just a proper dude!!!! There are loads of others who are just as interesting, and if you get a chance to meet them, you definitely should!!!

amazing experience @anarcotech.

Awesome article, keep doing your amazing content


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Thank You! ⚜

I mean, they did not invite me @anarcotech

Wow. What a great presence. Awesome summary/blog/connections. Really like the pockets of greatness and overall sense of community on this blockchain. Great work.

Fantastic work guys. You've done a great thing by getting such a huge amount of exposure for Steem.

And it's also incredibly refreshing to see a non-bidbot pumped post on the trending page. :)

good job!!

excelent post!!

Good post, thanks for sharing it with us! It shows that it was a great experience. Hopefully they will present opportunities like this again. Luck and thousands of successes!

Thanks, yes we may well do it all again (but better) in October.

What is this ? Can anybody explain me ?

Which bit don't you get?

This post has been upvoted by @steem-ambassador.

The #promo-steem mission is to support high quality promotional and educational posts which raise the profile and value of STEEM.

For full details of the programme, please visit

Ha u got an upvote from the promo steem @steem-ambassador guild @anarcotech. U must have done something right finally ;))

I really like tis post and also this cryptocurrency

muy buena información


that is a great experience and achievement ..

Very nice.. about 'thoughts' in crypto right now :)

He is Hodo, the one of my favorite character in game of thrones you are awesome sir :)

he was the most loyal one too ;) cheers mate

Yeah he was he died for Brandon, I can't believe you Watch Game Of Thrones too... I think i should write some Got Quotes.\

brilliant work bro and the booth design. wish i was there to enjoy the fun.

Maybe next time time.

First of all i really want to appreciate whole team because it's really an amazing and super productive job done and 1500 attendees are really great to watch and specially there were different companies, and when we here companies with combination of Steem then in my mind only one thing comes and that is professional advertisements, means the companies can enter into Steemit and they will invest in Steem to advertise their products, this will in turn can boost the Platform and can improve the prices too. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Thanks to all Steemians who joined this conference and promoted and supported Steem and let's grow together because Steemit Community has an great future.

Great work! Thanks for this post learned many new things. It really helped.

Congratulations @anarcotech!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 1 with $ 733,59

your are brilliant sir .your recogination very nice and awesome .your are great .

That's very kind of you to say, but there are many others equally deserving of recognition too. You will find most of their names in the post, but special mention to @starkerz, @stephenkendal, @cryptocurator, @ashtv, @rod.crisafulli and all the speakers....and in fact everyone who came and supported us.

Really awesome that you made clips from there.

Thx for sharing it

I have read the total post. It's been a very good content about cryptocurrencies.
Good post.

excellent promo steem, in your thinking I really like his friends

Hey @anarcotech
Seems like an awesome event for you and a part of the community! I am always fascinated by how big the drive behind the steemit community is ... Do you / somebody from the Community have a good source for keeping up to date with steemit events or presentations in the "real-world" ? 😊

Well, as it happens, I've actually built a working EVENTS section, which is open to use on the website. I haven't pushed it too much yet, because there are a few updates need doing to the site in general, and this will be happening soon, but I'm probably going to separate this and give it to the community as a free to use events section. I'd like to integrate via SteemConnect too.

Great post. Wish I had gone. Thanks for sharing...very motivational.

Hey! Checkout blog post on eSteem! esteem://trending/@mal2/funny-schoolboy-crying-8050f321cc27a

Hey! Checkout blog post on eSteem! esteem://trending/@mal2/funny-schoolboy-crying-8050f321cc27a

Thank your for showing london crypto currency. Your post is very helpful for us. 😊

wow this sounds great wish i had gone!!! is a good news for us. i love videography and i hope your post is help in all i'm also following you.

Hey! Checkout blog post on eSteem! esteem://trending/@mal2/know-three-these-plants-for-healthy-life-44a001e2889b3

Good post my friends..
very good post and impressive once, frankly I really like to follow and read a very useful post like your post

Hola me gusta la publicación, quisiera aprender más de Steemit y su uso, soy nuevas aquí, gracias.


Interesting information and post friend. Greetings from Venezuela. God bless you

good post