I've bought 4300 stickers for Steemians! Stickers of Steem, Steemit, DTube, DSound, Strimi and Utopian :)

in promo-steem •  7 years ago  (edited)


I decided to spent some money to order Steem stickers, because recently I am giving a lot of talks about Steem and Steem ecosystem and our community. I've already talked about Steem in Wrocław[1], Warsaw[2], Łódź[3], Lisboa (during SteemFest2)[4] and Kraków [5] and I also mention it during few other talks about blockchain which I give in different cities:



We have huge ecosystem and Steemit is just a tip of the iceberg. We have so many interesting different apps on top of Steem, so I decided to order not only Steem and Steemit stickets, but few additional kinds as well :)




Introducing one of the most Steemy iPad in the world!


Stickers giveaway on Crypto@Cracow Meetup about Steem

245 people registered to Crypto@Cracow Event to come and listen about Steem and Steem ecosystem. Stickers were prepared for everyone! :)


Costs of Stickers

NameSizeHow manyCost [PLN]Cost [USD]
DTube1.8x6 cm1000290.2887.08
DSound5x5 cm500265.6979.71
Steem4.8x5 cm600298.8989.67
Utopian4.2x5 cm600271.8381.55
Steemit1.65x6 cm800230.0169.00
Strimi2.15x6 cm800266.9180.07
Files preparation--73.8022.14
SUM1697.40 zł$509.22

If you are wondering why I ordered 1000 DTube stickers and only 500 Steem stickers (... etc), it is because size of stickers was a main factor of price for stickers. DTube stickers were smaller, so I was able to order more of them for similar price.




A lot of stickers were already given away on Crypto@Cracow meetup, but I still have most of them. I will be giving them to all Steemians during next meetups. I am also thiking about creating small initiative, which could send some of those stickers to different blockchain meetups in Poland.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow!! @noisy, you're really doing a lot to make these platforms grow bigger and better. You're a man with a big good heart.

This reminds me about:

Come for the money, stay for the community

You're really exceptional in contributing your own quota in publicising and promoting these platforms. I'm really grateful. What a way to show that you care and beleive in this platform.

I mean, it's not easy to see people using their money to do these kind of things, but you really is an exception and I'm so motivated from this.

You've just started a good movement and I'm sure others will join too - I myself will also love to do same too here in Nigeria.

Thanks for this and

Happy Steeming

wow it's a good thing that people can get to know steemit deeper again, a brilliant idea.

Appreciating the effort you put into spreading STEEM across Poland. Great Job.

Thank you for your efforts!

Great job @noisy. Already have few of them :) DSC_0340.JPG

Ja już swoje nakleiłem ! :)

i teraz, żeby jak najwięcej osób zobaczyło te naklejki, to musisz albo robić często w domu lan-party (ludzie to jeszcze robią?), albo chodzić ze stacjonarką po mieście :)

drugie nakleję w aucie, więc tam zasięg będzie większy :)

Jeśli jestem człowiekiem to tak, ludzie to robią.
Najlepiej siąść w kilka osób przy kilku PC ale w jednym pokoju i zwalczać noc i mobki. ;)

I took quite a lot so here is "pałkerson up" B-)

Really awesome idea. Sometimes I stickers and business cards from other stores on the OpenBazaar network and include them in my Etsy orders, I went ahead and bought little Dogecoin stickers to add to the bunch a few months back but already ran out of the stickers. I only bought like a small pack though, you bought the store. Thanks for sharing this and sharing the Steemit love.

This really made my weekend! Thank you so VERY much for what you are doing! Two thumbs up! It means the world to me! People like you, make the Steemit Community so GREAT! Thanks Again! All the best! Warm Wishes! Positive Energy! Great Karma! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

Wow! @noisy you are making this platform a bigger place. Keep up the good work. Steemit all the way.


Duuuude! I love stickers, I have a ton of space on my decksavers that needs filled in, both maschines and my tr8, vt3 need stickers!!

Congratulations @noisy, this post is the sixth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 436 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $16034.87. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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great work man!

This is how virality works


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Świetna sprawa i wielki szacun za taką inicajtywę. Jakbyś miał tematy graficzne do ogarnięcia i miał z nimi problem to pisz do mnie. Pomożemy Ci ogarnąć nie ma sprawy. Canva jest super, ale czasem po prostu nie wystarczy. Dzięki za Kraków jeszcze raz! ;)

wow, cool. Way to go for it.

haha, awesome gif :)

Great work man! :) Loved your idea since the beginning, but now seeing the result is even more awesome! Thanks a lot for having DSound so well represented, you got DSound support on this. Steem on mate!

Good post, i like it

I wish you success


Oh! Wonderful.. I must really commend your efforts @noisy
You are doing your best in making sure Steemit is heard... You are "noisy" afterall 😁😁😁
Going out of your way and getting these stickers shows your devotion and commitment to the Steemit community!
... While i do the much i can to help this community.. I look forward to challenging myself to even do better... Hopefully it will turn out smooth :)

Cheers @Noisy.... More STEEM!

Excellent work my friend. That's a whole load of people who are going to be exposed to Steemit and some of the great projects which use the STEEM blockchain, even if, and this is important, they don't pay it any attention...they're unconscious will store it, and it will be in there for future. Let us know how you get on and some of the cool places they end up....!

Really good idea! Resteemed.

wow wonderful men very nice have a nice day follow now

Your sacrifice and love for steemit will surely reward you. Nice idea 👍

Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love..
You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of soul instead.
may god bless you and your family.
stay blessed.Wow!! @noisy, you're really doing a lot to make these platforms grow bigger and better.

Amazing piece of art work. Though I'm just a new steemian. Wouldn't mind if your next post talks about enlightenment to the newbies of the system so as to make the system captivating for us. #Anticipating

Wow! I wish I can get one of the stickers. Just suggested the idea to @anjiba and we will definitely do something about it.

@noisy Got a 76.24% Vote via @klye

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Świetna sprawa. Chętnie przygarnąłbym kiedyś takie wlepy dla siebie. Szkoda tylko że nie ma meetingów Steemianów w Katowicach. O jakimś wrocławskim będę mógł dopiero myśleć w przyszłe wakacje :/

dalej w plecy 400 zl, mam nadzieje, ze ten post Ci to zrekompensuje :)


This is really cool, wanna get myself some stickers..

Co za reklama😀 kiedy będziesz w kujawsko-pomorskim? Zorganizuj coś.

Wow, great job Cris... as always.

Wow very nice.. were do you live.. I am sometimes in wroclaw ...

seriously you do that.
wow ... very cool and an example for other steemit communities.
I am enthusiastic about the stickers you share. good luck bro



That's super-cool. It's great you're teaching all over about Steemit.

I'm thinking about getting some stickers made and your post is definitely motivating me:)

Hey how about useing #steembay to auction some of the extras off? :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@noisy, we wait you on italy :-D

It is Strimi a project on the steem blockchain as well? Never heard about it!

But it is always good to get the word out there :D

Widać , że sporo pracy włożyłeś w meetup w Krakowie.Same naklejki kosztowały dużo czasu i oczywiście pieniędzy.

Steem jest piękną platformą - pozwala brać sprawy w swoje ręce - jak właśnie dowodzi ten post, takie inicjatywy mogę się wręcz samo finansować :)

Jeżeli zrobię coś dobrego dla społeczności - społeczność może to docenić - mi taki układ bardzo pasuje :)

Dokładnie, to jest w tym super :)

I like the idea a lot, this is inspiring me to do something similar for my next meetups.

Likewise, I was inspired to make a dmania contribution in honor of the new apps on the steem blockchain.

You are really making great impact in this community...i am just watching and taking your footsteps but will be quite innovative. Keep up the good work @noisy

We continue to promote steemit to the community, we've made keychains motorcycles and banners

Greetings from Us from Nanggroe Steemit Community (NSC)


Discord Nanggroe Steemit Community (NSC ); https://discord.gg/cdBc8y4

Cool... I must make too :))

Wow! a point to remember, I will surely do this. Thanks man

Appreciating the effort you put into spreading STEEM across Poland. Great Job.

Appreciating the effort you put into spreading STEEM across Poland. Great Job.
