Open Offer to @shahidchoudary to present a Proposal to receive a 100 Steem Sponsorship to support the promotion of Steem in Pakistan.

in promo-steem •  3 years ago 

#Promo-Steem - Helping to Support #Steem Promoters around the World - Sponsorship Offer to @shahidchoudary to support the promotion of #Steem in Pakistan

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#OneHundredSteem Sponsorship Offer to @shahidchoudary to support the promotion of #Steem in Pakistan

With a growing army of Promoters around the World now promoting #Steem and #Steemit I am always on the look out for those Projects I would like to support by means of a 100 #Steem one-off Sponsorship.

Earlier on I came across @shahidchoudary and the work he is doing in Pakistan to help promote #Steem and #Steemit and I invite @shahidchoudary to present a Proposal to receive a 100 #Steem one-off Sponsorship to support his Promotional Campaign.

Application for the #OneHundredSteem Sponsorship

If the Offer is of interest to @shahidchoudary and he would like receive the 100 #Steem one-off Sponsorship Payment I would like to ask @shahidchoudary to present a draft design(s) for a large format #Steem Promotional Banner and a draft design(s) for #Steem Promotional T-Shirts.

Free-to-Use SK logo.png

SK logo (static round) transparent edge.png

Looking forward to hearing from @shahidchoudary

If the 100 #Steem Sponsorship Offer is of interest I am looking forward to seeing the design(s) for the Banner and T-Shirts from @shahidchoudary and how the 100 #Steem would be spent.

Thanks again for reading.


#Promo-Steem - Helping to Support #Steem Promoters around the World

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Wow.. It is refreshing to see business owners embracing Steem as a mode of currency. Taking into consideration the current form of the economy in Pakistan, 100 Steem when exchanged will be a significant amount for him to pursue more impactful undertakings. This sponsorship could even engender other business owners around him to join Steemit and adopt Steem for business transactions. There are a lot of potentials with this benevolent support. Hopefully, all goes well with this kind gesture from a noble leader like you.


Providing Steem support in sponsorship to the #promoter of Pakistan is another great step for sir you are promoting your steem all over the world one by one. If you support the #promoters this way #steem will become popular all over the world.I dream that one day when the whole world takes the name of Steemit, your name will be on everyone's lips. Now you have reached Pakistan one by one. Surely he will receive your 100 steems.Your 100 #Steem will definitely help his sponsorship. In this way sir, you go ahead we are all with you very much sir,@stephenkendal.

He is promoting #Steemit website and #steem crypto currency also as alternative of Pakistani rupee. He really deserve this sponsorship. It is great idea that, Your are promoting #steem country wise. Thank you so much for this sponsorship again. Steem on Pakistan. ❤️

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

This sponsorship will encourage owners to receive #Steem for business transactions. He has promoted the Pakistani rupee as a currency on the #steemit website as an alternative. I hope this will have a huge impact on the Pakistani economy. There is no substitute for your generous support in the #steem campaign. The way you try to support evangelists really deserves praise. It's only possible by you.He should accept your patronage and run a publicity campaign. This is really a huge step. We can increase its popularity by spreading it all over the place. Through which a huge population is encouraged to promote #steem and #steemit. And such a great sponsorship is possible only by a great person like you sir @Stephenkendal.

Thanks so much @stephenkendal for your continuous support for promotion of Steem. I think this 100 Steem proposal will go a long way to help build Steem in Pakistan.

It is really a good step to sell products by #steem. I also need some shop in my area who accept #steem. We can make #steem more popular by this way. It need to start in every country first then we have to spread it over whole country. Thank you for another sponsorship to a perfect person.

Hey @stephenkendal i am honoured to take this offer . . 😇😇 Now I feel more motivated regarding steem promotions . Here is my banner design ;


And here is T-shirt design

. This is formal design , I'll get it more beautiful and clear by any professional before printing them out.
I hope you liked my designs 🙂 .

I take your offer happily 😇😇

Congrats on the sponsorship. You definitely deserve every help coming your way. Steem On.

Thanks ..!!✨

Thanks for your design.

I have taken a look at your banner design and it will need to be of a much higher resolution in order to print out in a large format banner print.

What size banner are you thinking of producing?

I am happy to reformat your design into a large print format that will give you a high definition when printed out.

Printing what you have prepared will be very blurry when it is printed.


I have reformatted your banner into a large format print.

Large Format Banner shahidchoudary.jpg

This is in high definition and will print up to 3 metres.

You can add a high definition of your Profile Image to the banner as you decide.


The redesign is looking marginally better. The images and texts are very sharp and legible. I also love the addition of the Pakistan flag as well as the Steem related logos with transparent backgrounds. You also preserved the original layout of the design. Kudos.

I love this banner... Thank u so much 🖤


I have taken a look at your design for the T-Shirt and will redesign it later on today.

Once approved, I will send over the 100 #Steem for you to get the Banner and T-Shirts printed.


I am so embarrassed that you had to redesign both things again for me 😐 ... Thank u again for being so supportive 😌

No problem at all.

I have redesigned your T-Shirt and in order to keep the cost down in printing I am suggesting a x1 colour print (Black) on white T-Shirts.

T-Shirt Design shahidchoudary.png


Ok i love this design 🖤.... I would not disappoint you , you believed in me and now its my turn to bring some results ..!!


I will transfer the funds over and announce the Sponsorship.

Good luck.


This kind of sponsorship always encourage promoters to make more efforts for promoting #steem . You are really a great sponsor and doing great job for #steem . Steem is spreading worldwide by your support to promoters. Thank you sir @stephenkendal. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤍

This is not the first steem promo offer, you've done a lot supporting vibrant upcoming steemians who are craving to create a niche in the steem ecosystem, your support on steem promotion will go a long way: it will make a great impact across the universe.
Thank you for creating a unique part for all of us to follow..

congratulations to @shahidchoudary from Pakistan. This is always a great thing to see #promo-steem project working with the people of world wide and there is no discrimination and restrictions, The greatest this is that we promoters getting support from our favourite sir @stephenkendal 💖💕❤️


Sir, In this situation your are getting less support and now you have lack of #steem but you are trying your best to support promoters. Only a great person can do this. Thank you so much. ❤️

It is really great news that #steem is going to promoted in Pakistan. I think he should accept your sponsorship and run a great promotional campaign in Pakistan. The way of his promoting #steem is really very unique. Thank you for your support.

Congrats @shahidchoudary you really did an extraordinary initiative in steempromotion. 🙏 in return with your kindness sir stephen for us and everyone here, we will be more inspired in promoting STEEMIT in our community.

Thank you !!

Crypto currencies are illegal in our country and this is the main obstacle to promote #steem in our country. Our Government think only the the bad points of crypto currency but everything has bad and good points too. I also would like to promote #steem here but police of our country is very active against crypto currency. But most of our young persons are involved in crypto secretly. I need a suggestion from you how can i promote #steem in our country? Thank you so much for your great support sir. Love you.

Thank you very much for doing this. The promo steem community keeps on growing because of your undying love and support. It is always great to see that you are always ready to help.

Hello Brother Stephen,
Can I submit a proposal for another 100 Steem?

Sorry to ask in advance, if you support then we will give it a try.

Lately we are short of funds in promoting Steem and Steemit, So it is difficult for us to reach many users in public areas. So we need a little financial support that we use to do #Promo-Steem among the people of Indonesia

Sadly at the moment I am not getting much support.

There are a lot more others getting more support.

Ask around and see if anyone else can help you.

I could power down but I am not entirely sure that would be right.


Thanks brother, no problem. I'm understand you.

I will try to communicate later, thank you for giving us support and encouragement.

You are doing wonders on tye platform
Always looking out for great promoters to help make their promotional work easy.
I hope you can continue to help people on this great platform.
Steem on!

great initiative,, im also looking after it and present some extraordinary stuff to you

The activities of #promo-steem got professional, when you started to sponsor #onehundredsteem and changed your profile as a promotional band named SK Steem Promotions. You really providing a great support for promoters from years. Steem is getting popular on every country and #promo-steem is everywhere in steemit only for you. What you are doing alone, others cannot doing this together. This is really very sad 😥. Thanks again. 💗

It is a good option for business owners to join steem. It is a pyramid of progress and financial support. Greetings.

Wow! 100 steem again! The #contest is going to be great for this #onehundredsteem sponsorship from @stephenkendal. You are supporting promoters alone but you sponsor amount is huge. Now if we get some another great hearted person like you then promoters will get much support and activities for #promo-steem will increase rapidly. Thank you.

The activities of #promo-steem got professional, when you started to sponsor #onehundredsteem and changed your profile as a promotional band named SK Steem Promotions. You really providing a great support for promoters from years. Steem is getting popular on every country and #promo-steem is everywhere in steemit only for you.

Shared on twitter.

Please help to support the promotion of #Steem and #Steemit by sharing your Blogs to twitter.



You are such an inspiration @stephenkendal i keep learning everyday when i chance in you blog as a newbie... I'm so excited about the journey so far. Thank you for your immerse support to seeing people grow #steemit