The Best Way Become Successful in Steemit (Cara Paling Jitu Sukses di Steemit) #Promo-Steem and Building Community

in promo-steem •  7 years ago 

dear loving Steemians friend,

I want to share a little bit about steemit and I hope it's worth for you all especially for newbie


Never Give Up Before Earning a Reward

Joining to a community you would never walk alone


1. Building relationships between the user Steemit by joining a community Steemit

Building relationships between users Steemit

never lonely in Steemit!!! You will not be able to walk alone in the darkness of the night without light that illuminates the path that will be reached. The darkness is a stalemate and the light is a friend. Friends is the person to whom you seek and share information that you need. Looking for friends those who have the same way of thoughts with you and he will become your Steemitmate and your followers if you always thinking about positive result. The most important thing is you are always connected with them and you will grow together in a community.

1. Membangun relasi antar pengguna Steemit dengan cara Bergabung dengan suatu komunitas Steemit

Membangun relasi antar pengguna Steemit

jangan pernah menyendiri dalam Steemit!!! Anda tidak akan bisa berjalan sendirian dalam kegelapan malam tanpa cahaya yang menyinari jalan yang akan tempuh. Kegelapan adalah jalan buntu dan cahaya adalah teman. Teman adalah tempat anda mencari dan berbagi informasi yang anda butuhkan. Carilah teman yang jalan pikirannya sama dengan anda dan dialah yang akan menjadi pendukung dan pengikut anda jika anda orang yang selalu berpikir positif. Yang paling penting adalah anda selalu terhubung dengan mereka dan Anda akan tumbuh bersama-sama dalam satu wadah.

Join a community

Joining a community is one of the most surefire way to success in Steemit. Community is containing a crowd of people where your friends and you interacted in any case including mutual support and sharing for the sake of growing together. The most important thing in the Steemit is a networking.

These are some of the advantages when you join a community in Steemit:

Networking, Learning, Sharing Experience, an Expert Meeting, problem solving, and making the new program.

Bergabung dengan suatu komunitas

Bergabung dengan suatu komunitas adalah salah satu cara yang paling jitu untuk sukses di Steemit. Komunitas adalah wadah dimana anda dan teman beriteraksi dalam hal apapun termasuk saling mendukung dan bertukarpikiran demi tumbuh bersama. Hal yang paling penting dalam Steemit adalah jaringan.
Ini adalah beberapa keuntungan bila anda bergabung dengan suatu komunitas di Steemit:
Networking, Learning, Sharing Experience, Meeting an Expert, problem solving, and making new program.


2. Promoting Your Steemit Community Quality


after building/founding community, the next step is to promote it to the public in General. As we look at the trending tags #promo-steem, of course you can judge how influence on promoting a community to society. Indirectly, promotion is to invite them to join us.

2. Mempromosikan komunitas steemit anda dengan cara Meet Up dan sebagainya


Setelah mendirikan komunitas steemit, langkah selanjutnya adalah mempromosikannya kepada masyarakat secara umum. Seperti yang kita lihat di trending tag #promo-steem, tentu saja anda bisa menilai berapa pengaruhnya mempromosikan suatu komunitas kepada masyarakat. Promosi secara tidak langsung adalah mengundang mereka untuk bergabung dengan kita.

3. Investment by purchasing Steem Power (SP)


Word Vote is not an unfamiliar community at Steemit. The public flocked to register Steemit because expecting reward. Reward in Steemit is divided into two parts, namely: curation reward and author reward. When you have Steem Power (SP) with great numbers, of course your curatorial values against a double vote would further increase. High or low value of your Steem Power (SP) determined by curatorial Steem amount Power you.

If you are an investor in Steemit, all Steemit users will be vying to follow you and your posts because they do expect koment vote from you. Unconsciously, this is the most appropriate way and fastest way to be successful in Steemit.

3. Menanam modal/investment dengan cara membeli Steem Power (SP)


Kata Vote bukanlah suatu yang asing di komunitas Steemit. Masyarakat berbondong-bondong mendaftarkan Steemit karena mengharapkan reward. Reward di Steemit terbagi atas dua bagian yaitu: curation reward dan author reward. Bila anda memiliki jumlah Steem Power (SP) dengan jumlah yang banyak, tentu saja nilai kurasi anda terhadap sautu vote akan semakin bertambah. Tinggi atau rendahnya nilai kurasi anda ditentukan oleh jumlah Steem Power anda.

Jika anda adalah seorang investor di Steemit, semua pengguna Steemit akan berlomba-lomba mengikuti dan koment postingan anda karena mengharapkan vote dari anda. Secara tidak sadar, ini adalah cara yang paling tepat dan cepat sukses di Steemit.

4. Choosing the correct tag and write with consistent

Before posting, one of the most important things you notice is the use of proper title tags and the content of your postings.
The most I emphasize to you is if your writing is already found by a curator with a certain Title by using the correct tags, then write about titles that consistently using the same tag. If your writing is already discovered by curators then you are likely one of the users who will be successful in the future.

4. Memilih tag yang benar dan menulis dengan konsisten

Sebelum anda melakukan postingan, salah satu hal yang paling penting anda perhatikan adalah menggunakan tags yang tepat sesuai judul dan isi postingan anda.
Yang paling saya tekankan kepada anda adalah jika tulisan anda sudah ditemukan oleh seorang kurator dengan jujul tertentu dengan menggunakan tags yang benar, maka tulislah tentang judul itu dengan konsisten dengan menggunakan tag yang sama. Jika tulisan anda sudah ditemukan oleh kurator maka anda adalah salah satu pengguna yang akan sukses dimasa yang akan datang.

my related post:
how to earn curation reward

Promo-Steem logo.png

Keep Steem on !!!

Best Regard

One Of Initiator Member of @steemit-students

Initiator team of #steemit-students community
@markop, @ikbal12, @aafadjar, @starlos, @alexandra07, @ikbal050, @hajidan, @aldercy05 @saifulsabri @ziccoalvaro and @ziyadhelmi

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Thanks for sharing those tips and tips. Some already knew them but it is always good to remember and put them into practice

Sure,,, most steemian knew it,,, but this one especially for newbie

Postingannya sangat bermanfaat Terimakasih @ziyadhelmi

This post is so encouraging thankyou @ziyadhelmi

You, re welcome,,,, I just try do my best

Thank you for the encouragement, just a pitty that guys like these in the image below keep downvoting posts. Where can one report such activity? This is the second time in 2 weeks they've done this to me. Worst of all I'm actually following 2 of these people...


Maybe you made a mistake.. Remember it first

Please VOTE let me add the spirit to make his post

Never give up,,, keep spirit and keep steem on

You got a 5.05% upvote from @buildawhale courtesy of @ziyadhelmi!
If you believe this post is spam or abuse, please report it to our Discord #abuse channel.

If you want to support our Curation Digest or our Spam & Abuse prevention efforts, please vote @themarkymark as witness.

Thanks for sharing i will done upvote I always see your post. And follow you @songtiejun

Thank you very much,,, I will do the best for all steemians

I really believe that steemit is a sleeping giant in crypto world.

There is no doubt my friend,,, Steemit is viral anywhere now

Good post bro, i like it

Thanks so much,,, I need your support to be the best guy