Encouraging Freedom Prophecy from God by Dr. Patricia Green

in prophecy •  last year 

It's been some time since I posted prophecy here. This time I give you encouraging prophecy from God spoken by prophet Dr. Patricia Green that I find worth sharing.


Here we go:


Good morning. Today is June 13th 2023 and I received this prophecy, this message, from the Lord on June 10th of 2023. So I want to read this message that I was given uh to by the Lord and just remember as I read this these are not my words, these are the words of the Lord so here we go.

Political changes

The Lord said as for this wicked government running the USA, I say their time is up. They are holding on with a thread and I am cutting that thread says the Lord. The Lord said: the timing of the release of the content of the Trump indictment is to divert attention from the Biden investigation which is damning to the Bidens. They, the cabal, are scrambling to find a candidate for the 2024 election because they know Joe's time is up. The Lord said: but no matter who they choose they will not defeat My chosen man for the president of the United States of America. The Lord said: much will happen between June of 2023 and November of 2024. The new cycle will be such that one wicked thing right after the other will be exposed and yes the media will be forced to cover it or lose their ratings and their audiences. The Lord said: New news stations will rise up that that will report truth and this will force the wicked ones to report truth or shut down. Some will shut down because they were so steeped in the cabal and the One World Order. The Lord said there is a darkness coming across the land and a deep darkness over the people who hate truth. Those in this deep Darkness will perish says the Lord. But those of the light will shine brightly with My glory says the Lord. My light will dispel the darkness and uncover the very root of it. And the root may surprise some when I expose it, says the Lord of hosts.

Financial system changes

As for the Federal Reserve and the IRS. I say they have fallen and will never recover, says the Lord. There is coming a new financial system that will prevent the manipulation of money that which kept the average person from having wealth that system is over says the Lord. Fiat currency is over says the Lord. Gold, silver, precious metals and natural resources will be the new standard by which money is traded. Many nations have moved away from the Petro dollar which will set in motion the change for this new financial system, says the Lord. So so what looks like a plot to crash the U.S dollar well indeed usher in a new financial system and eliminate the super rich from controlling the money this will create an even an even playing field for the finances of the world. The Lord said, in the midst of all of this change I am transferring great wealth to my remnant who are ready to take My gospel to the ends of the Earth. I want it recorded that these are My words and My plans for the world finances in this season. My message to My children is this: Do not trust in riches trust in Me says the Lord and use the riches that I have given you to further My Kingdom He said. Then you will have riches stored up for you in heaven where neither rust nor moth shall eat, says the Lord.

Elections 2024

Then the Lord said this: Now I want to address all the candidates who are running for the 2024 presidential election and those who are weighing whether to get in the race. I say this to all of you on the Republican side: I will systematically remove each one of you until there is only one remaining and that one is Donald J Trump. DeSantis, Haley and Pence, you all think you are strong candidates to defeat Trump but I say to you you will not get the nomination. For I will turn the tide against you and the American people will rally behind Trump. The rallies for Trump will be larger and stronger than they have ever been before. A nation that has been held in bondage from the far left agenda will spill into these Trump rallies. Freedom will be the cry and the demand of the people says the Lord and I will bring forth freedom in more ways than ever expected.

Woke agenda

The woke agenda is being dismantled says the Lord, the climate change money maker and money funneling is over, says the Lord. Fiat currency and money manipulators are done says the Lord child trafficking and child sacrifices exposed and prosecuted, says the Lord. Gender confusion and gender transition in children eliminated, says the Lord. All of these Wicked practices are falling and I am breeding bringing freedom, freedom, freedom, says the Lord.

How to pray

Now I want to instruct My people how to pray for the United States of America and this next election cycle so My will is accomplished on this Earth. He said My will is accomplished when My children pray and ask me. Believe I have heard your prayers and I am answering and declaring My words through your mouth, says the Lord the Lord. The Lord said, all that I have spoken through My true prophets is My will for the this nation so ask me to perform My words. Believe that I have heard your petition and I am answering. Then declare that which I have spoken through My prophets as if it is already done, says the Lord.

So this is the message of the Lord and I hope you were encouraged. God bless you.

Here the message ends.

Original video link

I ask God and pray all of this happens in Jesus name. Peace be with you!

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