Proprioception is defined as the internal sensations coming from the muscles and tendons (Guiseline, 1982) that enable us to know the spatial location of the body, and control the movements thereof through the recognition of specific muscles sensations.
It is seen as essential because without it we wouldn’t realize the most basic tasks as locomotion (if we can consider getting a basic task). However there is much talk of proprioceptive in addition to the recovery of a lesion.
Too often when we teach someone a technique repetition of that said technique is what we insist on, when we could be working the proprioception of the athlete, it may be more advantageous to buy time with body proprioception exercises to achieve a high bar and only after this, teaching specific movements of sport/assignment.
Examples of high proprioception are the yogis who control sections of individual abdominal muscles, making an impossible task for those who have never really felt the body you have, roll the abdominal from one side to the other or bottom to top.
Not only that but those who train for many years in a serious way, in whatever sport it may be, perceive, looking at other people that they do not control their body or utilize it correctly in day to day tasks, don’t know how to use your body properly in day to day tasks and certainly they don’t know how to perform a training exercise.
It is also with this in mind that I think that for someone to be a good martial artist should perform exercises well beyond training the combat techniques.
We can also ask ourselves if this body consciousness doesn’t go beyond simple body control, who is more aware of the body will be more aware of himself and his actions and thoughts.