Just out of curiosity, with all the stuff in response to people saying "Most cops are good." have you responded in some way resembling, "When there are these many bad apples, there must to something wrong with the orchard." as a dismissal? How many of you same people were sharing photos of one person in an entire group anti-lockdown protesters who was holding a sign which references Auschwitz and tried to paint it as the entire anti-lockdown movement as being fascistic?
How many of you same people will say like, "Among the BLM protestors and Antifa thugs, there are just a few bad apples who are harassing elderly women out for dinner, inciting mobs to intimidate innocent people, lighting stuff on fire, ransacking small businesses, etc.; but, they're mostly peaceful; so, don't worry about it."? How many of you will look at the video out of Philadelphia of three Jewish guys, who came to support the BLM march, being shouted at, mobbed, clearly ostracized, and physically expelled just because of their ethnicity and their faith and say, "Well, for us, a few bad apples don't spoil the orchard."?
Namely, how many of you are complete fucking hypocrites?
Let's take police out for a second and just talk about the entirely peaceful protests against the lockdowns to the BLM riots for a moment. I've seen all of this stuff coming out of the same mouths that I can predict what's coming next. You can't tell this kind of person that that was just one protester holding a Nazi sign and have them accept that. You can also be certain that when you show the anti-Semitic mob harassing Jews who were on their side, they'll say that they were just a couple of bad apples. Immediately, there's a ton of, "They're fascists; but, they're my brand of fascist."
There's a difference between trained public officials and splinter groups. If we were just talking about this after the riots in response to George Floyd's murder, people might to be able to stick to their guns that it's all just a few bad actors and mostly it's just people getting together to fight the system. At this point, you know what's gonna happen when you get there. Even though these police killings seem to be happening a lot this year, what's happening in Philadelphia right now is response to an entirely justified police shooting on the part of two officers which has resulted in hundreds if not more of the BLM and Antifa ilk showing just how bad they are.
Incidentally, though, this is where I agree sort of with the regular use of "system." In criminal justice, it's a systemic problem. But, these people who are responding by burning down buildings aren't even behaving like they're fighting a system. If you want justice for Breonna Taylor, the first person who should be on trial for her murder is the judge who issued the damn warrant, not the cops (well, maybe the one of them). If this really were about a system, the cops wouldn't be front and center in most cases. The cops should be the focus in the cases of Floyd, Tony Timpa, and Kelly Thomas to name a few. But, with Breonna Taylor, it should be the war on drugs, over criminalization, and no knock raids. In the case of Wallace jr., none of this should even be happening because the cops shot a person who was armed and dangerous and an imminent threat.