Spanish and Chinese Proverbs

in proverbs •  4 months ago 

Buenos Dias Mi Familia!!!

A Spanish proverb reads, "Do good, and don’t look at whom."

Similarly, a Chinese proverb reads, "When it is not right, do not do it; when it is right, do not waver”

People are going to judge us, no matter who they are, we are, and the situation. We will be tested in life by many people. That's okay. We are reminded here to do the right thing, no matter who's watching us, judging us, or the situation.

Thought for the day: Do the right thing. Take the right action.

Action for the day: I will do what's right, regardless of who's around me, who's judging me. Regardless of what the crowd is doing, my actions will be centered on doing what's right.

Peace and love to all

~ KO



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