If i can convince https://ptokens.io to add steem to bsc and eth and even polygon and others like eos telos avax etc... well maybe we can see some actual serious price movenent
Imagine finding out you can eq
Arn more of an eth or bsc token by posting on its sodiao.mesia site and powering it up on its main net
Now thats PSTEEM on eth and bsc for ya!
Come here https://t.me/pNetworkDeFi to ask the prokens guys here to add STEEM to ETH and BSC as a peg called PSTEEM or just STEEM would be better ...on bsc and eth
For example heres USDT tether on all of its available chains
See? Thats how our section of the ptokens page would look like if we had PSTEEM (or better to request it just called STEEM to avoid confusion and strebgthen the belief that yes ut is 1:1 backed by steem and aftee buying PSTEEM or STEEM (bsc) (eth) on uniswap or pancake swap with regular eth or bsc...you then have a token you can go convert to main net steem and power up kalblamo!
Just make sure we get a discord or twittee bot that can create steem accounts like @steeminvite or @steemninja (remember that?) And then we would have a great onboarding system that works with the steem/sbd even steem engine rokene and eth and bsc on discord @tipcc bot which would alllow people to fluidly go from eth bsc to steem using dapp.prokens.io
an exciting day it will be when we have these pegs .
If the hive community doesnt wanna take it seeiously maybe steem will? Github Provable Things is waiting for us to do the worl of adding the code and cintainers etc for STEEM to be on bsc and eth using the smary contracts required . Setup correctky and KAPLOWEE boom kaBOOM well have fire!
Get this done and i swear steem will go up..as long as we then promote the availability of STEEM using just ETH or BSC the two most popular dex and token options for buying crypto. Ask someone to use freakin centralized exchange or steem engine or hive engine or telos or eos or whatever and it just wont work ss well as being able to metamask into uniswap or pancakeswap and GET WHAT U WANT FAST ...people are USED to bsc snd uniswap so kets get tjem what they want
So what if some.people prefer hive over steem now. I bet steem can be worth more than hive with rhis one simple act of getting a solid steem peg on eth and bsc as a bridge to bring people into steem finally!