RE: ---- What we think we need for a revolution VS what we actually need for a revolution ----

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---- What we think we need for a revolution VS what we actually need for a revolution ----

in psychology •  6 years ago 

The issue with other forms of media is that the more abstract your ideas get, the easier it is to be co-opted by the system; all artwork has its place in achieving class consciousness, the goal should be recognizing the best tool at our disposal for achieving what we want re:fighting against capitalist indoctrination while insuring they aren't able to co-opt our message to one of support rather than critique.

Video games like Fallout are a great example of this, as it amazingly uses the medium to show what most fear — the end of hierarchy without the end of capitalism — while creating a thrilling narrative and enjoyable gameplay which will encourage you to continue engaging yourself with it. It aptly sends this message, as most point to it as the "I hope the world doesn't turn into this" but... the point is missed in how the world ended up like that, despite the complete destruction of hierarchy; art has to be effectively utilized or the message is lost in translation, and it's clear those in power have effectively deceived us into not utilizing our tools correctly.

We have the rope, it is not others fault that it is not being tied. We must critique how we both shape and send our messages, and the medium with which we use it.

Posted using Partiko Android

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Exactly, having the tools don't necessarily mean that they will be used effectively or appropriately within the context we have outlined. It comes down to the PEOPLE and what we choose to do with these tools... its all up to us ;)