Don't Get Excited: Claim It As Yours

in psychology •  5 years ago  (edited)

When looking at your ability to create objects, events, and experiences within your consciousness, we are really talking about your power to do so. Power = worth, and worth has a directly oppositional relationship to guilt (the more guilty you feel, the lower your claimed worth, and vice versa).

Therefore, the subject is really about worth, and worth is only about the level of energy you are capable of harnessing. Again, worth = power, so it is the power you hold in harnessing energy (and this energy is experienced as emotions - emotions are nothing but the magnetic component of the electromagnetic energy that creates “experiencing” in consciousness).

When you are capable of harnessing large amounts of energy in the form of emotions, you are in control and the energy is what is being controlled.

However, the “energy” of consciousness is inexhaustible, meaning infinite, and so your power to wield it will always fall at a certain place between zero and infinity, zero being complete death and infinity being the fully realized “God state” - the power to create worlds.

Anything below your claimed worth/power will be the energy you can consciously control, and anything above it will be in control of you.

Since your Total Self IS the God state of infinity, and cannot be otherwise, it is only the amount of this “God-Self” that you claim within your awareness (as the small self) that dictates your conscious control. Anything above what you claim is still ultimately being done by you, but unconsciously.

Therefore, anything “above you” on the worth/power line will feel like a “gain” to you, as it will excite you to a higher state than you currently hold.

What excites you controls you.

You cannot firmly grasp and control something that is changing your energy through contact with you. This is like picking up a sword that immediately makes you want to swing it - not every situation requires you to swing the sword, and you lose your ability to discern the correct use of the sword if it is tempting you into swinging it upon your picking it up.

Therefore, what excites you, controls you.

What does excitement mean? Excitement in this case is the exact excitement that scientists use when describing the state of electrons - for an electron to become “excited” means for it to raise to a higher energy level than its ground state. In this analogy, the electron is the subject at hand, and you are the nucleus that it orbits.

I think you will find this analogy incredibly enlightening, and for those scientifically inclined, it will open doors to new ways of thinking about the electromagnetic reality of atoms. As above, so below. As within, so without.

When an electron is excited, it moves to a higher orbit than it usually would in its non-excited “ground” state. This ground state is characterized by the orbitals filling from the center orbitals first, then out to the outer orbitals after the center ones are filled. This is similar to how water always flows to the lowest point - electrons always settle at the lowest energy point, unless artificially - and temporarily - raised.

When the energy is raised, a process of decay begins, where the excited electrons that are artificially in higher orbitals begin to drop back down to their lower energy state. This ground state could be called its “default state”.

For an electron to fill that higher orbital more permanently, it would need to fill the lower orbitals so that the ground state - it’s default setting - has enough electrons that the higher orbital would automatically be filled upon the addition of more electrons.

This would mean that this atom would need more electrons, which means the nucleus would need more protons to balance the electromagnetic forces to keep those extra electrons from floating off.

Confused yet? Or maybe you see where I’m going with this.

YOU are the atom. At your core, you are a being of pure awareness - faceless and formless - that is aware of being a physical body and a psychological mind and a sociological person. This is like the nucleus of the atom.

The electrons are like the subjects in your life, which you want to raise to a higher level. You want more money. You want a healthier body. You want more romance and adventure. These are all “higher vibrational states” than the vibrational states you currently occupy.

When you get excited about a subject, you are “exciting” the subjects to a higher level than is stable, much in the same way that the electron is excited to a higher state than is maintainable - it will decay back down to the lower state in time, because there is not enough energy in the form of electrons and the accompanying protons to maintain that higher state.

Similarly, the excited subject will return to the lower state in time - the excited state was nothing but a taste of what it would be like, but is entirely a fantasy until the total energy is raised enough to make it stable.

How do you raise your total energy to match this higher state in a stable way?

You observe it into existence.

We have learned from quantum physics that an observing consciousness has an effect on the behavior and appearance of electrons, causing them to collapse from their generalized wave-form to their specialized particle-form. This means that upon observation, the potential state is collapsed into an actual state.

This is the exact mechanism that is occurring at each moment in consciousness to create your very experience of reality. And as such, an observation of a different reality will collapse that potential reality into its actual state on any subject, exactly in the same way that it collapses the electron from its potential wave-form to its actual particle-form.

Therefore, to feel an unstable excitement for an improved reality on a specific subject may give you a taste of that reality, but it is not actually creating the reality that you seek - it is creating the “excited state” which will collapse once it is no longer being propped up.

But if you were, on the other hand, able to maintain that energy in a non-excited state, then you would be observing into reality the actual, stabilized event, and not the cheap, knock-off version.

It is in this way that what excites you controls you, because it tosses you about in the fantasy of the unstable, excited state, rather than the imagination of the stable, ground state.

It is above your position on the axis of worth/power, and therefore it excites you to think of having it, because you don’t actually feel worthy of it. If you were to claim a higher worth/power, through the release of the guilt that suppresses worth, you would expect what it is that you want, and not feel the thrill of excitement for it, but instead feel the deeper joy of knowing your worth of it.

You do not burn out in a flash of flame, but radiate everlastingly as the ember that cannot easily be extinguished and whose heat is stable.

Now, one final point that is worth noting is that the higher energy state, even when stable from a true increase in energy, is still a higher energy state, and therefore will have some similarities to the excited state. The higher orbital being filled has a certain feeling signature that will still be there, except it will be resting on the feeling signature of all the added electrons beneath it in the lower orbitals, rather than being completely “out there on its own”, simply waiting to begin decaying back down to the lower ground state.

This stable state you could call “eagerness”. If you feel a positive rush of emotion (ie. energy) when observing the higher state, yet it is stable and believable (ie. not a “pipe dream”), then this form of “excitement” would be effective at actualizing the stable manifestation. It would feel different, however, from the unstable, truly “excited” state, that is not logical and believable, and is not truly assumed.

It is the difference between standing on a platform atop a long, skinny tower, vs a platform on top of a stable pyramid - the scarcity of the tower is insecure and could topple at any time, while the abundance of the pyramid makes it unshakeable.

All of this is to say the basic point that in order to truly create what you want in life, you must raise up to a higher level of energy/worth where the result is stable, assumed, and logical. If it does not feel stable, assumed, and logical, then it is an “excited state” which is only a teaser (and again, this can be initially useful for setting the direction, but to actualize it, the excitement must be surrendered).

Claim your worth, surrender your guilt, and allow what you want to come to you.

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