in psychology •  8 years ago 

A 4 year study at the University of Wisconsin called "SHY" Synaptic homeostasis hypothesis" showes pictures inside mice of what happens to their brains during the day. In conjunction between nerve cells, grow strong and large during daytime. The "SHY" has also shown to be the best time for the brain to renormalize itself is during sleep when we are paying less attention to the world around use.

Synapses also was shown that our brain get bigger while we are awake and shrinks when it's weaken. So they used a 3-D electron microscopy which had shown a high rate of changes during sleep and when awake.

During their study they have been performing an in depth study of mice. It's believed that our brain shrinks by approximately 20 % while we sleep. Thus creating more space to grow and learn during the next day. Professors say they have broken the code that shows with just a few hours of sleep showed an 18 percent decrease in the size of the synapses. These changes occurred in the cerebral cortex.

Extropolating via mice and humans are that every night trillions of movement in our cortex gets slimmer by 20 percent. Which the professors suggest the human brain needs rest to restart itself, so we may function on a normal bases daily.

Pictures by Pixabay

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Happy nice dream ?? Very sweet

Thanks @akhyar I'll follow you

Thank you very much @happyhousewife

I wait the follow for @happyhousewife

Thank you for interesting article. Good night from Prague!

Thank you @michaelprague Good night from Vancouver British Columbia
I will follow you as well

So the more sleep I get the brainier I get lol :)

Yip that's right lol Thanks karen54 Take care. Have a great night

good stuff- I am a HUGE believer in identifying an objective and then sleeping on it- that's when we connect with Universal awareness- the information that helps us solve our problems- hence the 'let me sleep on it' when pondering an important decision.

Thanks very much @thelightreports we all need to restart our brain for productivity

Thanks happyhousewife, does this mean that the 3am board room meeting my mind has from time to time, is successful because the electrons have less distance to travel? . I wondered why I can wake up and have the solution as clear as a bell at 3am. Problem is remembering that solution at 7 am when I wake up for the day.

Nice job!

Thank you @justtryme90