Believing In Yourself

in psychology •  8 years ago 

Believing in yourself means that you allow no other person to pull you down to an inferior level. You allow yourself to be superior in your thoughts, and the eyes of others as well!

Do not pass judgment on yourself based on what you believe or have heard is the judgment of another. You have all the evidence that you are innocent of the negativity of others, and are confident in presenting your case!

Take all the “sticks and stones” that are tossed at you in life and work to build a mansion of a million dreams that you never allow to lay idle.

Take full responsibility for the fact that if you feel held back from achieving your personal best in life, it is you that is causing that to happen and not the people and situations that you may come in contact with in life.

Have the ability to see a learning experience in every experience – whether that experience is positive or negative – and you have the confidence to teach others to do the same!

Believing in yourself means that when people call you for less than you are, you refuse to answer unless it is superior and reflects your personal best.

Know and understand that identifying the weaknesses in others is a means of covering up your own insecurities. When you identify the weakness of another, you are quick to correct the weakness in yourself so that it is no longer a matter of insecurity, but a matter of personal growth and development.

Have a natural ability to lead others, but you take great pride in following and even walking beside another…for it is when we follow and walk beside another that we are learning more effective and productive ways to lead not only ourselves, but those who look upon us for their own guidance and growth.

Have the ability to take kindly to failure. You know that it takes failure to reach your personal best, and you are thankful for the experience.

Hear the voice that rings inside your head and says “you cannot”, and then you argue back and do it anyway!

Have the natural knack to shine – whether sun or storm. However, you realize that your ultimate definition lays in the ability to provide light even in the darkest and drought of all days.

Do not live down to the expectations of other people, but that you create your own that are so high that you have to jump to even touch them!

Believing in yourself means you do not see yourself as someone that “has” done, or “has” been, it means that you are in constant work and supervising who you WILL become!

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Inspiring read! Believe in yourself is one magical element to make anything happen. I'm sure everyone has a different say if we are asked to described what it feels like to believe in oneself. To me, it's feeling to have been taped into the inner-core of quiet strength, perfectly balance. It feels calm, real and comfortable in yourself. Look forward to more posts of yours!

Believing in ourselves is the onset of utilizing the power of our minds.

So @kristinaljfom ...What happens when you start believing in yourself, and then a big bird sits on your shoulder, and wants to eat your head? lol:)

Haha, the bird was not going to eat my head, she just wished me a nice day and flew away))))

The only person that knows who really you are, is you. If there's somebody who should believe in us, it should be ourselves first.

Hi, its been a while:) When was the last time we talk , about a week ago? :) How are you today?

Hello, thank you for your comment, yes, its been a while, I have caught a cold but I am totally healthy now) How are you? Are you looking for a new job?

Yeah, still looking. Hope I can find soon.

I wish you good luck in your searches!

Thanks for the encouragement.

Always believe in yourself! I did it to and went of the streets. Believe set goals and go for it!

I agree with you, thank you for your comment!

nice work

Thank you so much)

you are welcome pretty girl

I've been enjoying your posts, keep it up!

Thank you for your comment)

This is great!
Amazing read

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