Reality and Perception: A Model for How We Process and Perceive RealitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in psychology •  7 years ago 

There is a reality for us to perceive and make sense of. How are we processing reality? How are we facing reality? Are we acknowledging the light and dark in ourselves and the world to see things as they are, or denying it to accept an illusion or delusion?


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Reality and the Senses

We have sensory perceptions from our 5 physical senses that receive information from our environment (from reality, existence). This is the first level of input.

Internal Processing

Next comes our internal processing and filtering in consciousness, our 6th sense. We have an automated 1st level preliminary comparison and processing where we can prejudge and filter information through prejudices, preconceptions, preferences, beliefs, wants, wishes, desires, and habits. This acts as an internal response stimulation from external stimulus, to be used for further processing and filtering.

There is a response from the alignment of our expectations, of the previous perceptions/conception vs. new perceptual/conceptual stimulus about reality.


A "positive" or "negative" feedback with reality is felt and experienced. Negative feedback can be felt through emotional cues like fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, anger, embarrassment, stress, etc. This is the beginning of the cognitive dissonance process, where there is a disequilibrium internally as a result of disequilibrium between reality and our perception of reality. We are now in disunity and disharmony internally.

Is there a conflict/contradiction of new vs. old/accepted info?

If we do or don't, do we choose to question and doubt the new or old info?
Are we curious about the veracity of new or old info?

If we have no conflict, we are in harmony (although we can be fooling ourselves).
If we have conflict, we are in disharmony.

In either case, do we ignore further analysis, or do we dig deeper in analysis with critical thinking?

No Conflict Felt

If we ignore analysis while we didn't have a conflict, the new and old info didn’t create dissonance, and was accepted without further evaluation.

We are uncritical and have somewhat of a blind belief in what is presented as reality.

Our perception of reality is of reality as it appears, but appearances can be deceiving. This is why processing more through critical thinking and analysis is required. A useful model to do so is the trivium method of critical thinking (grammar, logic, rhetoric; knowledge, understanding, wisdom; input, processing, output).

Conflict Felt

If we ignore analysis while there is a conflict, then we continue in cognitive dissonance and engage in reality negotiation.

We believe what we want to believe and engage in self-deception as an arbiter of belief as "truth". We sustain, maintain, and protect beliefs and desires.

We reject contrary evidence, such as is done with the cognitive bias called the back-fire effect.

We remain bound in attachment to a belied.

We excuse, justify, deflect, dismiss, avoid, ignore, deny, refuse and reject the truth/reality.

Our perception of reality is based on our beliefs as "truth". Beliefs become our reality.

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is a negotiation with reality required to maintain/sustain our illusory sense of self or worldview. The ego-personality-identity defenses protect our self-concept from dissolution. We can’t admit our wrong, and when confronted about it, it leads to embracing the wrong more.

New information is rejected through the "backfire" effect or other cognitive biases and fallacious thinking, and the wrong belief is held onto more dearly. We can condition ourselves to believe in, and love, the things we suffer for.

It is kind of like a Stockholm Syndrome towards untruth. We get mind controlled by falsity, and live our lives accordingly, suffering and loving it, defending our suffering. Our attachment to untruth brings us our self-inflicted suffering, yet we don't care about that self-abuse, and choose to keep loving our self-delusional negotiation with reality.

We can remain attached to falsity, lies, deceptions and illusions, unable to process contradiction well. We remain attached to lies we use as a basis for our identity. In our ego attachment, we choose beliefs over the truth. The logical processing capacity is diminished, and therefore accepts contradiction and ignores the truth. Logic is the art of con-contradictory thinking.

Critical Thinking and Imagination to Recognize We Can Be Wrong

If we choose to dig deeper and question things more, to doubt and be curious, then we engage in the voluntary 2nd level deeper internal processing with logic.

Critical thinking and imagination is used, where we can imagine we can be wrong in order to verify if we are, through critical self-reflection, introspection, analysis, self-examination, etc. This allows us to find errors and links between data to understand more about ourselves (consciousness) and reality (existence).


Logic-thought feedback with the 1st level processing of grammar-thought and grammar-emotion.

We evaluate, judge, discern, asses, analyze, identify and process more deeply than the prejudicial automatic 1st level of processing, for more accurate judgments and conclusions.

We can hold off on our decision to conclude something is real by accepting it as possible. We then form a perception of a possible reality.

We can accept the input but still doubt it to conclude something is probable. This forms of a perception of probable reality.

We can verify the input and accept it as what is real and true. This forms a perception of reality as it is, where our perceptions are in alignment with reality, where our map of territory matches the actual territory. This allows us to be grounded in reality. To not be free-floating in the clouds of fantasy imagination that doesn't have a verifiable link to the ground of reality.

Thinking Better

Critical thinking, trivium method, imagination, wonder, curiosity, questioning, doubt, etc. is the path and way of facing the truth in reality, the good and the bad, the light and the dark, the beauty and horror.

Thinking about things will empower ourselves with accurate perspectives and positions on the "game board" of life. We can process contradictions and choose the most accurate results that conform to reality. We can be free thinkers who change our self-concept, worldview and behaviors instead of altering perceptions to fit false preconceptions and attachments to falsity.

If we have not given previous thought to -- or understand -- how we function, how our thinking functions, how we process data-input-knowledge in our psyche-consciousness, then we might be processing data incorrectly and arriving at erroneous conclusions about what 'is' real/true.

Learning about critical thinking processes, logical fallacies and cognitive biases are good ways to improve our ability to think and form accurate conclusions. This allows us to improve our decisions making process, and make less mistakes in life.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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I don't know why the government don't like conscious being or critical thinkers, they use lots of propaganda to keep us silent and interrupt our consciousness, they have devises like media , religion, celebrities and any other devises.

When one is having a negative feedback, the current state of mind is unconscious in thoughts, facing the reality will help overcome that. I did this as a course while in the university. Thanks for putting this up

Exactly. I've done other work on this that mentions that. We have conscious, willful, voluntary thought processing, and we have unconscious/subconscious, automatic and involuntary thought processing. Ideas, concepts and beliefs that bubble up to our conscious mind from unconscious pattern linking doesn't mean this are "divine", "mystical" or "relevations" of truth, like some so-called "spiritualists" believe. They just don't understand how the psyche-consciousness works. Thanks for the feedback.

Can you expand on that idea or link me to an article explaining this more articulately, "Ideas, concepts and beliefs that bubble up to our conscious mind from unconscious pattern linking doesn't mean this are "divine", "mystical" or "relevations" of truth, like some so-called "spiritualists" believe."

Some people think that their "intuitive" automatic pattern-linking process that comes from the unconscious or subconscious processing, is somehow "divine", and is "pure" and better than the conscious rational processing.

Selective perception
An affair of a person is called "perceptual selectivity" when it gives attention to only a few people among a large number of stimuli related to an object. We focus on the message that the book we read or that the book wants to convey. Or in a crowded concert, like we can perceive our friend's voice better than others. Sensitivity in perception is a kind of stimulating filter. This filter, which is influenced by various factors during the life experience, is often variable and diverse. Internal and external factors are divided into two;

a-) Internal factors

Interest and Hobiler
Needs and needs
Faith and spiritual conditioning
Colors: Each color creates different meanings and behaviors in the human brain.
Mood and personal characteristics
b-) External factors: These factors occur outside the individual.

Excessive contrast
Mobility: Detection is always quicker.
Abnormal stimuli

It's really illuminating.
I have a question though. Is the filtering process you point out the same as what clinical psychologists say what guides our action before thinking begins? The thoughts of our ancestors preserved in our mental construct preserved from evolutionary processes.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Partially maybe? Like archetypes in the brain that are part of the emergence of consciousness... yeah they do influence.

Yes. that. I really appreciate that you took time to respond. Your answer imparts some clarity on what perspective to view your content with. I find your way of writing immensely engaging.

This is awesome! I love anything that talks about reality and the perception of what we think it is. Keep up the good work.


Thank you :)

Every living thing evolved to perceive a very small part of reality. The mechanism that determines how each creature has a umwelt mechanism is called "natural selection". If we think it is a long time to solve this mechanism, it will be appropriate to head to the YUG. Before we talk about YUG, we need to talk about the YUG without changing the sensation that caused it. It does not change the senses, that is, it can be seen with the language, it can be felt with the ear, is the working principle of the brain and nervous system! A congenitally blind person can indirectly acquire these senses by allowing a deaf human brain to "change the senses". Today, this technology is actively being used and developed.

Well think Better, think Positive. This will take you to a new world of happiness.