Classification of Adult Traumas

in psychology •  7 years ago 

Trauma comes in many forms:

• Natural disasters such as: earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, volcanoes, and tornadoes.
• There are also disasters of the technological nature such as: nuclear failures, chemical spills, plane crashes, automobile crashes.
• Man-made violence: Criminal violence: the victim, witness or loved one the victim of homicide, suicide, rape, robbery; Human Rights Abuse: kidnapping, or torture; War/Political Violence; Rape; Domestic Violence; Child Abuse; Sexual Abuse.
• Prolonged stressors: pain inflicted on a person who is dependent on another. Injustice at work, school, or in society- based on age, sexual identity, gender, race or religion.

Losses come in many of the same ways as above, but would also include:

• The death of a friend, family member, hero, or pet.
• A failure in school, or at the job, or in a competition.
• Getting fired.
• Financial loss like losing a home, or a car, or a devastating hit in the stock market.
• A friend moving away.
• Divorce or a break-up.
• A break-in and robbery of your home or car.
• Reaching a milestone birthday like 60 or 70.
• Cancer or a heart attack, or major surgery. (These could also be Traumas)

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