This is my introduction. I was told about the platform by someone I ran into in my profession. They were very happy with their results and thought I should let others know about my unique services which do not require an individual to disclose any details of their problem to me, just the who or what is causing them difficulty. I do not need much information from a patient.
Imagine the scenario of a child who is emotionally injured by someone or some situation. They are scared and cannot stop what is happening. What the soul does is to break off a piece, and put that negativity into the fractured portion. That piece then sits there on the side, filled with negative energy. The child is now broken but said to be recovering. As the person grows, they seem to be living a decent life and things seem normal for the most part. I am sure everyone has heard people talk about being "triggered" by someone or even a certain song, place, or tone of voice when they hear it. Well, that person likely has an unpleasant past trauma or anger that has been hidden away and quiet. Something reminds them of that experience and the encapsulated bit opens and lots of negativity gushes out. What can these people do - all of us have unpleasantness lurking - but there is a way to deal with it permanently.

Experience impacts us later on -iStock
What I do would look like hypnosis if there were bystanders present, but it is not. The patient is fully conscious and I need not know any details of their issue. I just need to know if it is a person or situation, and how it made them feel when they think about it. Then we do some mental exercises to address the fear, pain, and decisions made at that horrible part of their life. We identify the issue and erase it as if we went back in a time machine to do so.
I cannot explain the technology because it is so fast you miss it, but it still works. When I say fast, I mean eight to ten minutes, but the person being treated will perceive the process as taking a bit longer than that because they will see the whole thing happening. While in process, they are allowed to see and watch the encapsulated negative chunk as we work with it and delete it. Once deleted, the negative energy is gone and that part of the soul can reunite with the whole of their being. There is no longer any energy drain, which is so common, by the triggers happening because they do not happen from this point on.
There is an old saying, "Someday, we will all look back on this and laugh." Why do we say that about a horrible experience? Because, with the passage of time, you can see it and not be part of it. In session, the person is there but they are watching it all happen. I do not know what they are seeing unless they share a bit of it. The person in the scene makes the decision to internalize part or all of it and now, in session, they can see that the event or trauma is not who they are but rather something they experienced. Much of what I am describing happens in the subconscious. I do not bring any of this up in session. As we go through the process, they see the feeling disappear and in reality, the event becomes a memory no more important than, "Oh, last week I dropped a pen under the desk."
After the session, eyes open, and we talk a bit about the experience and when all feelings are gone about it, we go back and revisit that event and see what the patient feels. Most tell me that it is just a memory but there is no rage or trigger there. From that point on I encourage them to stop and think if something similar happens to them. It is important to look at one's self and at least ask the question, "Am I triggered right now? Or am I making a logical response?" If "triggered" is the answer, then there may be another issue that needs to be worked on in session.
I may write, with patient's permission, about real life examples from sessions and the stated or written results that I get from the patient. There are not many details to share except my observations. It will be interesting to see your reactions in the comments below. If you have questions, I would be happy to field them for you. I get permission from patients because I have not details on their issue and they know it. I do not need to know the specifics. The process happens as the patient brings it up in their mind. I guide the process, that is all.
I have always had patients come in for sessions. I have not done much over the phone or on zoom but I think it may be possible depending on the situation. I would certainly try it. I am wondering what kinds of questions you all may have about what I do.
The process and category of this methodology is similar to acupuncture or chiropractic, with no cracks or needles and there are no drugs involved. It also works much better if the patient does not dig into the specifics of the process. I need them to give me snap answers on what is happening. No analysis. I don't know much about bitcoin or other digital currencies, but I got this far. I am told I have a wallet here, so I will find that when this blog post is done. All I need now is an image that goes with the topic.