RE: Psychology Addict # 26 | Depression – Where to Draw the Line?

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Psychology Addict # 26 | Depression – Where to Draw the Line?

in psychology •  7 years ago 

I love the way you have straddled the line between biology and psychology. Working in a neuropsychology lab, this is something we must do every day!

It could be helpful to include greater discussion of how and why neurobiology relates to psychological phenomena. For example, you mention denigration of the hippocampus as being related to severe stress and depression. But -- is it a cause, an effect, or a confound?

Typically, the hippocampus is associated with memory formation and consolidation. We know that people with depression often have serious memory trouble. Might the processes that cause depression also cause the hippocampal abnormalities?

But these are small comments. Thanks for increasing Steemit's understanding of depression!

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Hello @warrensz

Note taken!!! :D
