"Awakening in a Post Traumatic Stress worlD" - Read, Listen or Watch Pomeranian

in ptsd •  5 years ago 

#Awakening in a #Post #Traumatic #Stress #worlD. Sharing insights into the stresses we are facing as a society. The #problems are #bigger, #scarier, and more #intimidating than ever before. It is difficult to face those challenges with a level head. May this help others to navigate the #stress life is throwing at us. Thank you for your support. #ptsd #pts

Join me every first and third #Monday for a #Brand #New #Original #Article. #Subscribe on #Patreon to gain #Early #access to Interesting Articles for Interested People. Written and Audio versions will be available for early release. The previous articles will be published publicly with a #pomeranian video to #watch each time a new article is released.

Articles are written to share personal experiences and lessons with the world. Thank you for your time, and Please #Share, #Like, and #Subscribe to read or hear more...

Again you can find Early Access on #Patreon by subscribing to Interesting Articles for Interested People for $5 per month. #EarlyAccess

Watch “Awakening in a Post Traumatic Stress worlD” - Part 1

Watch “Awakening in a Post Traumatic Stress worlD” - Part 2

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