After the Pulwama terror attack, where soldiers are on the border for revenge for the martyrdom of their companions, hackers have stepped forward and have launched a 'cyber war' against Pakistan. By hacking Pakistan's 180 website, the I-Crew RainSwackware Hacker Group has warned to recognize the power of Indian hackers. The patriotic song sounds as soon as the site is opened, which does not stop without turning off the device (computer, mobile or laptop).
Cyber Expert is also very surprised to see this patriotism scenario. This Ethical cyber hacker is sending a request message to the people of Indian cyber expert and IT (Information Technology) living in the country and abroad. National Security Expert Amit Dubey, who received similar messages, said that this group has hacked more than 180 websites of government and non-governmental government.
There are also some companies in the country which are connected there. These people are joining people engaged in the IT field. What is their purpose at the moment, this is a big question. Such people are doing this in the country of devotion or they have some other planning.
To find out, they have gathered many expertise in the country and abroad to trace them through groups and messages. These people have hacked the Pakistan website on Saturday after the terror attack in Pulwama. After that, Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Faisal has said that some people have received such complaints and have expressed the possibility of an Indian hacker being hand in it.
This message is coming
Feel the power of Indian hacker .. Your file is hedge-encoded by encrypted by I-Crew Rainasmor, no big can recover your file with the key. So do not waste your time ... After that the song (I am fighting is a spark in blood) sounds ringing.