
in punchline •  6 years ago 

What happens?

A) your significant other is being stupid
B) The dog has been huffing too much helium
C) You are actually in a movie and should run

Gif from giphy

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pocketsend:11@theabsolute, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!

Successful Send of 11
Sending Account: pode
Receiving Account: theabsolute
New sending account balance: 268265
New receiving account balance: 1115
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 1bef82131ac3504f24ad0d6679f6934b406f83b1


Someone sent you some POCKET tokens. POCKET is an experimental sub-token system which operates on the Steem blockchain. It's like having a custom token without SMT. You can also send some to someone else by just commenting on a post with the following command: pocketsend:number_of_token@recipient_name,memo for example to send 10 tokens to @pocketjs, make a comment starting with: pocketsend:10@pocketjs,This is a gift

I am running Pocket-JS confirmer code.

Can I have some pocket?


Successful Send of 25
Sending Account: theabsolute
Receiving Account: narwhal
New sending account balance: 979
New receiving account balance: 24
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: ba39bac5238d27b745ff1c664085165ed62b1118


Someone sent you some POCKET tokens. POCKET is an experimental sub-token system which operates on the Steem blockchain. It's like having a custom token without SMT. You can also send some to someone else by just commenting on a post with the following command: pocketsend:number_of_token@recipient_name,memo for example to send 10 tokens to @pocketjs, make a comment starting with: pocketsend:10@pocketjs,This is a gift

I am running Pocket-JS confirmer code.