Why Should You Purchase a Puppy Pen?

in puppy •  2 months ago 

Puppy pen

Your small and adorable pet is a veritable bundle of energy and relentless companionship. But, as cute as he might be, and as innocent he might look when you catch him playing with your favourite slippers, dogs, at least in their first few months of life, can be veritable destructive chewing machines if left unsupervised, especially so if you are the owner of a breed that often suffers of separation anxiety. Sure, you love your pet, and you might look away occasionally from a chewed-up carpet or a scratched couch.

However, our housing environment, as cozy as it might be, is not designed to accommodate the needs of your pup, and it can be a dangerous place for your fluffball, especially if he is currently teething. During his first months of life, your bundle of joy will be distracted by its environment and will learn the do’s and don’ts of your household by trial and error. Yes, it will not be a problem if your pal destroys a pair of slippers or has an accident on your grandma’s carpet. But your property can be more dangerous than that. Do you have houseplants known for their toxicity? Do you own appliances with easily-reachable power cords? Do you have sharp objects lying around? If so, a puppy pen will not be a recommendation as much as it will be a necessity.

An Intelligent and Practical Buy

When it comes to their practicality, dog-training pens are one of the most versatile accessories you can purchase and certainly one of the most cost-effective. A premium puppy training pen can create a controlled environment in which your fluffball is kept safe from the peril of your household or the material possessions you want to protect. During their teething months, dogs' instincts overcome their training and will chew on pretty much anything, from household appliances to clothing items or even on dangerous objects that can injure them. During the hours in which you’re away at work, doggy training pens can keep your pup out of trouble and teach him to adapt his energy to your family’s schedule.

At the same time, portable puppy pens are more spacious than traditional crates and, therefore, can, at least in the first months of your dog’s life, provide the necessary space for him to play and consume his energy in a controlled environment. Yes, they are technically constrained to a delimited area. However, pens are usually quite spacious and should not pose problems, even for dogs that suffer from severe anxiety problems. Dog pens are an excellent purchase for pet owners with limited free time, for individuals who want to travel domestically or internationally with their pets, as well as for dogs who need adjustments before they can interact safely or comfortably with the rest of your family members.

Is That All?

Not really. Puppy pens are a fantastic purchase if you want to protect your possessions from the sharp teeth of your fluffball or if you’re worried about his safety. But, in addition to that, high-quality puppy training pens represent one of the best accessories you can buy if you want to accelerate your dog’s toilet training process. During the first months of his life, your pup will have accidents. It’s natural, and it’s something that all responsible dog owners understand. However, pups, like most animals in general, do not typically do their “business” in the same place they sleep in.

By purchasing a puppy training pen and a couple of dog leak-proof pads, your fluffball could be discouraged from having accidents when left alone in your dwelling. At the same time, he will get accustomed to a routine and learn to go potty only in a designated area. For most dogs, the potty training process can last anywhere from four to six months. However, with a reasonably sized pen and plenty of patience, this duration can be substantially reduced. The pen you purchase could teach your dog how to better control his bodily functions and, at the very least, reduce the cleanup required after you come home from work.

What Should You Consider When Purchasing a Puppy Pen?

Above all else, you should go for a pen that’s appropriately sized for the dimensions of your pup. Sure, at first, the pen you buy might look gigantic for the minuscule size of your adorable fluffball, but things might soon change, especially if you are the owner of a breed that’s known to grow at a spectacular rate. When purchasing a pen, you should choose one that’s perfect not just for your pup’s current dimension but also for his size six or twelve months into the future.

Likewise, a good idea is to look for pens made of high-quality and easily washable materials that provide a good balance between light-weightiness and durability. Wire pens are probably the most popular option on the market, as they strike a good balance between durability, chew protection and ventilation, all for a decent price. However, if you are looking for something more lightweight, plastic pens are a choice to consider. Are you the owner of a powerful breed like a Rottweiler, and your pup is a veritable escape artist? In that case, you might consider a heavy-duty pen that comes bundled with escape-proof secure latches. Not least, if you want to provide your pup with more space for activities, going for an outdoor exercise pen should be an option high on your radar.

Puppy pen 2

One of the Best Accessories Available in Australian Pet Shops

Maybe you’ll let it slip if your pup chews up your old sneakers or your mother-in-law’s favourite drapes (actually, you might encourage it). However, like any responsible dog owner, you should draw the line at actions that might affect your pup’s long-term well-being. What happens if you forget to store a cleaning product? Or if your dog starts to chew up a power cable? At least during the first six months of life, dogs need to be sheltered from your dwelling’s hazards and learn to get accustomed to your schedule.

A puppy pen might not seem like the type of purchase you want to make for your fluffball. After all, nobody wants to see their pets locked in a space that limits their movements. But it’s for their own good. Dog pens can secure your pet from the perils of your household, teach him to respect certain areas of your property, and also provide a secure space in which he can retreat when feeling anxious. Are they glamorous? No. Nevertheless, they are an essential tool that you should not be without.

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