Man (man and woman) naturally doesn't want to take blame for anything. He will rather want to shift the responsibly to the other person. This has to largely with his ego. However, as difficult as it may be, may you take full responsibility and accountability for yourself, your choices, your words, your stories, your opinions, your beliefs, your boundaries, your emotional expressions and your triggers; and may this help you heal, learn, shift, grow and thrive.
And when it comes to serving, most people are contented with lip service. However, you are not most people. You are someone with a purpose. Give the best of you everywhere you go. Give a smile, give thanks, give kindness, give love and give without expectation of return.
In taking full responsibility of what happens to you and giving your best you step into a realm where very people are. It's a place of fulfilment. It's a place where your mind is at peace and your heart in joy.
As you go out today may you find joy in been accountable to yourself and in giving your best.