I got totally pwnd, but I am still right.

in pwnd •  8 years ago 

I lost a Debate over Feminism... I got pwnd

You can't win every battle and last night I laid a massive turd. I was not prepped enough, I did not do enough research prior or have citations and articles ready. So I lost fair and square. I will take this as a lesson to do a better job getting ready for my debates on Qallout because obviously I can't just wing it with no notes versus people who debate topics regularly and come prepared. I was in the right with the argument I was making I just did a poor job of making the argument and my opponent did a far better job of going on the offensive. I won't make these mistakes again.

His sources were all crap and I should have made a better attack on that, citing CNN and Washington Journal is not the basis for a winning debate, and I just forgot to address that he was using fake news sources and skewed statistics to make his point. I should have made that a topic of discussion.

One major issue I had and my opponent cleverly started his argument off with this is I had to try and limit the debate to modern feminism, I knew this before it started. Obviously I would agree that egalitarian rights for men and women is better for the world, women should have every right and freedom men have. However in America women already have equal rights, and the modern feminist movement is about empowering women over men, and has massively contributed to the breakdown of the family unit, increasing divorce rates and so forth. I was unsuccessful at limiting the debate to mainly being about the Modern American Feminist movement, and the Western Feminist movement. By making it about the global idea of feminism rather than what we see in the world as the modern feminist movement my opponent was able to win the debate because he never had to address the FACT that modern feminism movements are not fighting for equality they are fighting for DNC and liberal agendas.

I should have stuck more to the topic, but I trailed off into the larger bigger picture of how modern feminism ties into the global control structure of the New World Order. I focused too much on the bigger picture, on how feminism was created by the Rockefeller's to tax women. I should have steered clear of this bigger picture stuff because I did not have the adequate time to fully explain it. Lesson learned here is stay focused on the limited debate topic and don't get into the bigger picture stuff in a 30 minute debate, where I only have 15 mins to speak, in 3 minute clips.

So sorry fans, I made a mistake and showed up at a gun fight with a knife. Next time I debate I will bring forth a better researched debate and a more effective strategy.

So as it stands now I am 2-1 in head to head Qallout debates. The vote is still up, but I am losing like 72% to 24% so I am calling it. The most important thing to me is I won the PizzaGate debate, and I won the debate about life after death, two topics I care far more about.

Anyways the link to the completed debate is here, I am not sure if you can still vote or not on who won the debate but there was only like 45 votes, so if you can it may still yet to be decided, however I am pretty sure after listening to it twice that I deserved to lose this one because my opponent did a better job than I did at arguing my points. So I unfortunately for like the first time ever online I got pwnd...

So by taking a loss I learned a valuable lesson in preparation and possibly picking topics, as this topic was not really something I could argue against, I had to narrow the debate to win it, which put me at a disadvantage immediately.

Link to debate: https://www.qallout.com/debate/2351-overall-feminism-makes-the-world-a-better-place-both-for-men-and-women-qo-tourney-round-2-live-on-june-20-at-900-pm-est

I will learn from this Loss and do better next time.

I don't expect to win every argument, (well actually yes I do) however sometimes you have to take a loss to learn and make yourself a better debater, so that one day I could be a...

Master Debater

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Wow I didn't see your screenname and I thought this was a chick posting this. I was gonna say, honey, you didn't win because you are citing CNN. LOL. Then saw your name and it clicked.

Yeah it helps to bring notes dude at least an outline. Same goes for making videos for me anyway it goes a lot smoother if I type something up first I will never remember all my brilliant points otherwise.

Yeah I had a word document typed up in paragraph form, which was completely useless, I will organize differently next time and have a list of points and an outline.

When I make films I organize everything into a file on my computer. I should have taken that organizational skill into it.

My bad.

Idea: yellow sticky notes put them all around your monitor with your talking points on them. during the debate it'll probably just look like you're looking at the camera or the screen but you won't have to actually fidgit with your computer to find your notes and it won't look like you're sweatin'

A quick primer for anyone who is about to enter the shark tank like you just did...

Jordan Peterson is the dude with the answers. He has prepped a long time for debates like yours, and he has distilled the problem down to its basics. He lays them out with coherence, logic, and wit. enjoy!

Should have watched this before I debated.

Watch everything he has. I try to blog his stuff here on steemit, in an attempt to foster a conversation about it. There is SOOOOOO much content to dig into with his vids.

Can't bat 100% all the time I disagree with modern feminism, which was designed to destroy our strongest and most stable base, the family.

Exactly, reddust. They can't do anything until the family is destroyed. They are almost there.


Check this out - it's a debate with feminist theorists.... They don't even want to debate anymore, because they don't think their opponents are worth talking to. THAT IS SCARY.

I get really depressed reading "modern feminism"...but I'll check it out. Thanks @thomasaquinasftw

That was the argument I tried to make as well.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I don't have arguments or counter arguments for this view, I have my experience though, I've seen the terrible heartache as families are torn apart from the disintegration of both male and female traditional roles in our society. I've had to deal with family/domestic court, which isn't a true court laid out under our constitution, this system is living off the misery of disenfranchised-dysfunctional people, which have been brainwashed into thinking something is wrong with them no matter what they do, conditioned to play the profitable game of victim. I hate the matrix we live in but acknowledge the freedom I have as a woman compared to other places in the world where a woman can't show her face or she would be raped and beaten, thrown in jail and or killed .

The women in my family have been major breadwinners throughout or lineages history, but in the past if we didn't own land we couldn't vote, we couldn't divorce an abusive husband, we were at the mercy of our reproductive system. We fought along our husbands side, we carry guns and know how to use them!

Now our abusive husband that can take whatever it wants, our husband is the State ...which I can't divorce our abusive government and its corporate controllers no matter who I vote for....

I too have been dipped in the cesspool that is divorce/family court. I had a lawyer tell me (when declining to represent me) that he took a shower when he got up to go to work, but that lawyers in family court really needed to shower afterwards.

He was right.

I was one of the 1% of men that get custody. I was awarded spousal support, but never saw a nickel, and never bothered to go after it. My exes parental rights were terminated.

17 years later she came back and took literally, not practically, not virtually, absolutely everything I owned. She got my socks.

But I got to raise my sons, and that's a far better deal. Frankly, all it took was everything I owned to get rid of her forever, and that was a bargain =D

I'm sorry, this is absolutely horrible for the whole family. For us women we usually end up with the kids and no support. No with modern feminism both men and women have to compete for manufactured limited resource pool. Making us fight each other rather than work together and fight this corrupt system that lives off of our suffering.

To win something, even a debate, you have to work, do your homework. Without it there is no preparation, you will never be able to argue about much, not prepared.
But life goes on, and we have to learn from the mistakes and move on.
Congratulations on your honesty when talking about it and congratulations on the post.

Live and loin... we love you anyway Titus, keep fighting the good fight!

Arguments with feminists are probably one of the most entertaining things on Youtube btw haha

I think you will survive my friend.

I am impressed with your candor (and your memefu), but I am really depressed you went in unprepared. My life has been, um, disrupted by neofeminism, and this topic is critical to the very survival of H. sapiens.

Actually it's prolly too late. Hello H. vulgaris! Or H. domesticus...

Anyway, you are proceeding herefrom in the best way possible, and that's good. Thanks for taking one for the team. Followed.

Yeah I personally have been effected negatively by modern feminism. I was not unprepared, I just was not as prepared as my opponent.

My mistake was writing out my notes on a word document, in paragraph format. So I should have just created bullet points with the data I reviewed instead of long winded paragraph type arguments.

I just messed up, won't happen again.