What is a “Temporal War”?

in qanon •  4 years ago 

"In part one, I referred to the Deep State having similar technology in its possession and the incredible implication that we are witnessing a “temporal war” between the Q/military intelligence community and the Deep State. How deep does this temporal war go, who is involved, and what are the implications? If you agree these are questions worth pursuing, then read on. The answers will shock and surprise you.

In order to better understand the nature and extent of this temporal war, let’s begin with Q’s November 15 post [3596] which hints at time travel technology being used to gather foreknowledge over an opponent’s plans"

"The Man in the High Castle is a very popular drama series whose pilot episode set Amazon viewing records. Most importantly, the series appears to be a soft disclosure of a temporal war that is happening right now. In parts one and two in this article series, I covered the portal/time travel technology respectively used by the Deep State and US military intelligence/Q in a temporal war.

The idea of Nazi temporal agents coming into our reality to spy and change it is countered by people in the dystopian reality being able to visit our reality through spontaneous consciousness shifts, and thereby offsetting the efforts of the Nazi temporal agents."

"The conclusion is that we are not just witnessing an information war between Q/military intelligence/Trump administration and the Deep State/CIA/Majestic 12, but also a temporal war."

"This will not be the first time that a narrative explaining a temporal war between two factions of future humans has been leaked into the public arena."

Corey Goode Explains "Temporal Wars"

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