I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.
From The Four Chambered Heart, Anais Nin.
Today's quote was written by a fascinating woman, Anais Nin. She was one of the first prominent women in the West to explore deeply the realm of erotic writing. She jokingly considered herself as the "madam of this snobbish literary house of prostitution, from which vulgarity was excluded".
She had a relationship with Otto Rank, the right-hand of the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, and she became herself a psychoanalyst. She had also a profound and passionate love for Henry Miller, the famous author of The Tropic of the Cancer. Actually, the two started writing erotic and pornographic stories in the 1940s for an anonymous collector who paid them a dollar a page. Some links to her books: